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Malignance said:
Gehenna - First Spell
Gehenna - Seen Through the Veils of Darkness (Second Spell)
Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft
Kataxu - Roots Thunder
Nagelfar - Hunengrab im Herbst
Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns

Thanks to you and Killbot. I am in such a black metal mood :kickass:
Mike27 said:
How about some good symphonic/melodic black metal? No obvious stuff.

...and Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery Of Thoughts
Grand Alchemist - Intervening Coma-Celebration
Sad Legend - Searching For The Hope In Utter Darkness EP
Amduscias - Amduscias EP
Dub Buk - Idu Na Wy!
Kataxu - Hunger Of Elements
Fanisk - Noontide
Sear Bliss - Grand Destiny
Hirilorn - Legends Of Evil And Eternal Death
Children Of Maani - Veil Of Osiris EP
Benighted Leams - Astral Tenebrion

You're welcome. :)
Just fyi to the person asking for melodic/symphonic black recs, my recs are a bit more accessible than Malignance's; both sets are good though, so definitely get some stuff (or all) from both of our lists. :)
Mike27 said:
How about some good symphonic/melodic black metal? No obvious stuff.

Covenant - In Times Before the Light

Might be hard to track down the original version, because when they changed their name to The Kovenant, they took that album and drowned it in electronics. Pretty cool in my opinion, but likely a put-off to others.
hey guys about some DM??

I like DM: good production, good heavy but at least moderately coherent vocals, as technical as possible, interesting lyrics, heavy off course but with as much as melody as possible
cookiecutter said:
If you had every listened to Deeds of Flesh you would know, while not melodic in the usual sense, they do incorporate melodies into their riffs that are very distinct. Plus, they fit all the other categories.

judging by his noobishness, I'm skeptical that that's the kind of melody he's looking for.
That is a great song, Behemoth is a great band

Zyklon isnt exactly alike, but they are great black/death, if you like behemoth you will like them
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