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Necrophagist aren't as "cool" to listen to as they used to be, and the gimmick has sort of worn off to these ears; that's not to say they're sans merit, though...I like to listen to a few songs off their (his, actually) first CD here and there. It's also good to annoy/impress the fuck out of people with.

The current best tech-death bands are:

Spawn Of Possession
Gory Blister

Edit: Necrophagia are horrible.
Yeah they became shit circa Tone(s) Of Hate. Fragments Of Insanity and Mater Of All Evil are fucking great black-thrashers, worthy of praise in any circle in that style, for sure. The latter also has a very enigmatic title and I don't think we've figured out if it's a typo or just random Latin for no reason ("Mater" = "Mother" in Latin).
Or you could take it literally and interpret it along the lines of 'Procreation Of The Wicked'... haha
Mike27 said:
How about some good symphonic/melodic black metal? No obvious stuff.

Veneficum - Enigma Prognosis

xxbigdavexx117 said:
hey guys about some DM??

I like DM: good production, good heavy but at least moderately coherent vocals, as technical as possible, interesting lyrics, heavy off course but with as much as melody as possible

Depresy's A Grand Magnificence or Sighting.
swizzlenuts said:
:lol: I get into a shift crazy mood sometimes and just capitolize random things. I like De mysteriis dom Sathanas so much, I just don't ever care to put on Deathcrush, but this makes me think Deathcrush is at least worth hearing.

I actually gave it a second listen, its not as bad as I remember it. still nothing compared to De Mysteriis, though.
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