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V.V.V.V.V. said:
But there are still too many of them! Generally with metal, if an album tries too hard to exceed around 45-55 minutes (ESP. in death metal where ideas get used up extremely quickly), it's tossed into the pretentious pile or the pile of albums that are just dumb because they're overlong/just too much. Also I hate bonus tracks.
I used to be all about the lengthier albums when I was more into Opeth, since they actually could make an album interesting for about an hour. When I was getting new bands, I used to always get the longest one first. Nowadays I prefer albums to be 45 mins. or less, as anything more gets to be either too hard to digest or it gets too boring. I don't mind when a band like Origin has an album of 26 or 28 minutes, as I can listen to it whole when I'm short on time. It probably wouldn't be any better for being 10 minutes longer.

A good example of short vs. long is Death - Human vs. Death - TSOP. Human is relatively short, but packs a huge punch because of it. TSOP meanders for way too long, and lacks immediacy.

I also think people who are just getting into metal are going to be more tolerant of longer albums, hence the crowd who prefers albums like TSOP. It's long, but easy to figure out because of the repetitive structures.
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The Greys said:
I would start with North From Here. Melody is in the riffs rather than usage of melody/harmonies over rythmn so it's very different from other albums that are considered melodic death metal. North From here is still very dark and aggressive and intense, and also just flat out weird sometimes. Jarva takes over on vocals and his vocals are more raspy like black metal where the guitarist on the first album is low. North from Here sometimes has parts that
have a black metal/gothic vibe to them even though it's just considered death metal. This album is just very unique and original for the time and probably the bands most technical.

Sentenced first album shadows of the past is basic heavy gloomy bleak death metal. A lot more musically basic than say north from here and in general slower and sludge like. This album almost resembles death-leprosy musically with just a few melodic parts.

Amok is not death metal at all and still very good. The band starts really expirimenting with melody's and rock influence. The band focuses more on chords than single note picking and speed. Song structures are more focused and memorable and poppy.

Wow! Thank you! I posted that message in the other thread before I had gotten here.

Regarding the discussion on album lengths: I usually never listen to an album all the way through if it has more then 10-11 tracks (aside for intro/outro/interludes. It is just hard to listen to a CD that last 50-60 minutes over the course of 14 different songs. I much perfer a 50 minute album with 6-7 songs. I don't know why that is. :ill:
V.V.V.V.V. said:
But there are still too many of them! Generally with metal, if an album tries too hard to exceed around 45-55 minutes (ESP. in death metal where ideas get used up extremely quickly), it's tossed into the pretentious pile or the pile of albums that are just dumb because they're overlong/just too much. Also I hate bonus tracks.
I agree, but on the other hand I also hate albums that are less than 30 minutes, especially when they use a long instrumental or sample ridden track to fill time. That was my one big beef with Brodequin - Methods of Execution
How is Wolves in the Throne Room- Diadem of 12 Stars? Is it anything like Drudkh and similar acts?
MetalNoob said:
BTW, I found the best Brutal Death album ever, (imo of course).

Insidious Decrepancy - Decadent Orgy Of Atrocious Suffering

Any opinions on it Cookiecutter (if you've heard it)

It's very good, yes.
One person US suicidal black metal projects are so fucking gay. dumb trend

I'd rather listen to depressing gothic bands always than your lame depressing basement shit while you wear corpsepaint.
MasterOLightning said:
I like one man projects because the musicians intent isn't weakened by other people's performances. The result is a more focused artistic vision.

you mean like Xasthur?
I enjoy them, and V5 may or may not as well (I can't remember).

a lot of people give Expanding Senses crap, but I thought it was pretty good. Layers of Lies is excellent and you can't go wrong with Insanity or Rusted Angel. I say check out Layers of Lies first
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