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Solipsist said:
How is Wolves in the Throne Room- Diadem of 12 Stars? Is it anything like Drudkh and similar acts?

One of those black metal bands which are only 1/3 black metal, and 2/3 other influences but sticks to a strict regime of extreme metal aesthetics but more interestingly than 99% of the bands out there.

Think Weakling.
Mort Divine said:
Leviathan and Lurker of Chalice are also awesome as hell.

It's a shame Leviathan is more popular when Lurker of Chalice is so much better.... ah well, it's the same person I s'pose, so he wont care. Also Krohm deserve much more recognition, just as good as Xasthur, if not better imo, though admittedly with far fewer releases.
Killbot said:
Also Krohm deserve much more recognition, just as good as Xasthur, if not better imo, though admittedly with far fewer releases.

We'll see how long Krohm is not prolific when the entire USBM cult is blowing up big time nowadays. I give him a year to remain kvlt.
try these:
Krieg - Destruction Ritual
Abigor - Opus IV
Watain - Rabid Death's Curse
Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal
cookiecutter said:
I got as a free bonus a CD from Black Torment. It is pretty good one man US black metal. Check it out if you get a chance.
They're not bad. Kind of old school-ish.
Need some recommendations on a few albums I've seen floating around for a while...

Twisted Tower Dire - Crest of the Martyrs
Holy Moses - Queen of Siam
Asphyx - The Rack

I've seen The Rack get quite a few mentions here, just wondering how good it really is.
The Rack is utterly marvellous. Certainly a far sight better than their later work. It's a really slow, almost doomy death metal album at times. Think early Incantation or something of the sort, but slower. It crushes.
The Greys said:
One person US suicidal black metal projects are so fucking gay. dumb trend

I'd rather listen to depressing gothic bands always than your lame depressing basement shit while you wear corpsepaint.
I'd rather listen to Forgotten Tomb, Mourning Beloveth, Abyssic Hate, October Tide, etc. I also can't get into Xasthur, Leviathan and the like.
Décadent said:
The Rack is utterly marvellous. Certainly a far sight better than their later work. It's a really slow, almost doomy death metal album at times. Think early Incantation or something of the sort, but slower. It crushes.

Thanks mate, sounds very promising. I'll be sure to check it out.
Décadent said:
The Rack is utterly marvellous. Certainly a far sight better than their later work. It's a really slow, almost doomy death metal album at times. Think early Incantation or something of the sort, but slower. It crushes.
Actually, "The Rack" is one of my favourite dm albums ever. And if you like it, make sure you also get "Crush The Cenotaph", it's awesome.
immo said:
Actually, "The Rack" is one of my favourite dm albums ever. And if you like it, make sure you also get "Crush The Cenotaph", it's awesome.

Ok, will do. I see they both have Van Drunen on vocals, be doubly sure to hear them now, I love his work in Pestilence.
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