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I have heard Dillinger but definitely not my thing, I'm looking for something more brutal, either in Thrash or Death-Thrash

The style of music you're looking for is quite readily available - Nile, Hate Eternal, Kataklysm, Krisiun et al. If you're looking for more underground, try some death/grind, and ask ohiogrinder for recommendations, because I'm fairly ignorant of this genre.
umm i just broke my cheapo radio shack headphones and now im looking for a new set that might be of higher quality and longer lasting

whats a good brand/model i can get preferably for around 75 bux thanks gmd i know you can help a metal brotha out...:kickass:
I've got a similar pair of $20 Sony's and they've lasted me over 2 years. The foam is split at the bottom edges but they still deliver a nice full sound.
I am yet to hear the following fairly respected albums and was wondering what they were like in comparison to particular releases, and what tastes (read the sorts of albums) you'd expect someone to have who would like them:

Dark Tribe - In Jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der Tollwütigen Bestie
(I am yet to hear any Dark Tribe)

Gorgoroth - Antichrist
(I am yet to hear any Gorgoroth)

Beherit - Oath of the Black Blood
(I think Drawing Down the Moon is fantastic, which seems quite out of place for me. So I doubt I'd enjoy a VERY similar release)

Dark Tribe literally sounds like nothing I've heard before, it's quite difficult to give an apt description, but read my review on M-A.

Antichrist and Pentagram are mandatory for Norwegian BM fans. I think you'd find worth in both, seeing as you praise De Mysteriis... so highly.

The Oath of Black Blood is really nothing at all like Drawing Down the Moon. It's ugly, raw and extremely abraisive/offensive black/death metal, more akin to early Imapled Nazarene. Many people seem to abhor it, but I enjoy it quite a bit. Check the other bands out first - they're much better.
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umm i just broke my cheapo radio shack headphones and now im looking for a new set that might be of higher quality and longer lasting

whats a good brand/model i can get preferably for around 75 bux thanks gmd i know you can help a metal brotha out...:kickass:
Just headphones? - Koss.
The style of music you're looking for is quite readily available - Nile, Hate Eternal, Kataklysm, Krisiun et al. If you're looking for more underground, try some death/grind, and ask ohiogrinder for recommendations, because I'm fairly ignorant of this genre.
Yes. And those bands just have really fast and crazy drumming, almost the main thing that makes music fast.
That song, I've uploaded has really great drumming as well.
I have sony headphones and they sound much better than earphones. Earphones sound like tin and are really hi-fi, these probably damage your hearing.
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