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Suicidal black metal is intriguing. I find few characteristics in common between the suicidal bands that I've heard. Outside of lyrics, and more extreme than usual vocals, I do not know what defines suicidal BM bands. Silencer is often said to be one of the legendary bands of the genre, but my initial impression was that outside of the lyrics and vocals, the music did not substantially differ from other black metal. The vocals lacked the heavy effects and distortion that I was used to hearing in suicidal bands, and the production was surprisingly clean.

Leviathan also has many melodic riffs and rock style drum beats that induce fits of headbanging, not wrist-slashing. I love the music, but am somewhat confused by the classification.
This band annihilates, some filthy Finnish black metal, fused with some thrash and death. Awesome new release here, listening to it now, if you're a fan of extreme metal, you have to check this out. Killer...
Moribund has copies



Archgoat 2006 Whore Of Bethlehem
01. Invocation
02. Angel Of Sodomy
03. Lord Of The Void [MP3]
04. Dawn Of The Black Light
05. Luciferian Darkness
06. Desecration
07. Black Crusade
08. Whore Of Bethlehem
09. Grand Marshall Of The Black Tower
10. Hammer Of Satan

What type of metal are gorerotted and what other bands are like them in sound? (dont judge me just cuz i like a band that sings about necrophelia, rape, and praising jeffrey dahmer, it makes me wanna break stuff and it feels good! :P oh and what other songs are like zombie graveyard rape bonanza, love that one!
gorerotted are a joke, they are goregrind/death metal

radio music makes me want to "break stuff", like the fucking radio

prepare to be raped by UM corpses
alright then, what do you suggest, you sound like a very gore/doom metal type of guy... im new to metal cuz i just started liking it this year :( fill me in on some good stuff :D
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