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Hey guys I just heard impaled Nazerene's new album and I must say it is a really really good album. Does anyone know any bands that sound similar to this? Im not entirely sure what genre this album would fall under, possibly black metal or maybe thrash?
hey guys, are there any good metalcore acts (not the commercialized/emo crap on mtv) out there?? the formula of metalcore seems pretty interesting (If a band could use that formula to make some kickass metal)

VVVVV sent me some bands, I was wondering if you guys knew any more
I'm not too into the metalcore thing, I've never really checked it out yet. Anyway, if you're looking for hardcore elements incorporated into metal, check out All Shall Perish. Great band... One of my favourites. They've got two albums out... If you want death metal with hardcore style breakdowns, then check their first release. Their new album The Price of Existence is better in my opinion, although it's really no longer just plain death metal with hardcore style breakdowns; it's more like melodic tech deathcore.
I think I've already done this, but I need trad doom or trad doom with slight death/doom leanings. I've already listened to Trouble, Solitude Aeturnus, Witchfinder General, Sabbath(duh), Cathedral, and Pentagram, so avoid those.
Do you not listen to Saint Vitus yet? Godammit man! Sort it out!

yes I've listened to them and I actually don't care for them. unlike great bands like Witchfinder General and Trouble, they can't write a catchy song if their life depended on it.
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