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I checked out Ildjarn.

wow....this makes Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger sound like Def Leppard's Pyromania.
Yup, great versatile actor. One of my favorite male actors along with Edward Norton and Kevin Spacey[/QUOTE]

Edward Norton is pretty good. Something I just discovered is that he was the Emperor(Lepor) is Kingdom of Heaven. Not one his best roles but I thought it was cool.
anybody got any more good brutal death metal bands that I Would like???

- good clean production
- very technical
- br00000tal (offcourse)
- good vocals (somewhat close to suffocation - no retarded constant squealing and monotone RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR vocals)
- somewhat interesting lyrics (if they are coherent like suffocation)
hey guys I'm looking for some great brutal death metal

- good clean production
- very technical
- br00000tal (offcourse)
- good vocals (somewhat close to suffocation - no retarded constant squealing and monotone RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR vocals)
- somewhat interesting lyrics (if they are coherent like suffocation)

Opeth. The production is not that great for their first two albums but the rest (especially the last two or three) are very clear. Mikael is a refreshingly dynamaic growler (good clean vocals too). They are more technical in their composition but the guitar playing is fantastic as well. Beautiful, thoughtful lyrics.

Opeth. The production is not that great for their first two albums but the rest (especially the last two or three) are very clear. Mikael is a refreshingly dynamaic growler (good clean vocals too). They are more technical in their composition but the guitar playing is fantastic as well. Beautiful, thoughtful lyrics.
Are you serious?

Anyway good brutal death that bigdave might like: Vomit Remnants, Defeated Sanity, Putrid Pile, Insidious Decrepancy.
I wasn't going into that, but they certainly are not brutal, no matter what else you consider them.
anybody got any more good brutal death metal bands that I Would like???

- good clean production
- very technical
- br00000tal (offcourse)
- good vocals (somewhat close to suffocation - no retarded constant squealing and monotone RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR vocals)
- somewhat interesting lyrics (if they are coherent like suffocation)
Deeds Of Flesh
Katalepsy (rus)

Edward Norton.
:worship: :worship: :worship:
ok can anyone recommend me some black metal? These are the bands i like the most:


Any bands similar to them?
how are opeth not death metal? they have growled vocals and brutal riffs which is how people normally describe death metal isn't it? and a lot of their lyrics are about death.
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