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My recomendation for tonight would be samael 'blood ritual', and the new amorphis album eclipse.
I recommend you black metal band Aeon, they released one but quality album "Bleeding The False", raw satanic lyrics. The country version of a song "God Gives Head In Heaven" rules.:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
Do all of you metal-wise people spend more time listening to confirmed bands that you like or chasing down new stuff?

I always seem to be looking for something new, and thus never gaining much knowledge on any particular bands. I feel that my nerd levels are un-satisfactory, it keeps me up at night.

These days, I tend to by bands that Ive already heard, or on recommendations. I get a stack of free cds per month to review, and thus I get all the random goodness that downloading would provide me. I tend to listen to CDs while playing on the 360, being on the net or playing pool in the pool room, and generally I put a cd on repeat play for a spin or two. My nerd levels are fairly low in relation to metal, really: I don't like downloading (for a number of reasons), and with shift work (that won't allow music to be played) and a young family I dont have the time to be as encyclopaedic about it as i was say, three years ago. I tend to listen to tried and tested bands more than new stuff, but my knowledge of bands only really has any basing on my favourites.

At the end of the day, knowledge on bands is impressive and all, but there is a point, I think, when the thirst for collecting, analising and catagorising takes over the enjoyment of the music for its own sake. I know, I've been there.
Dodens Grav said:
Would anyone (Malignance, V.V.V.V.V., etc.) recommend the From The Entrails To The Dirt release? I know there is a Deathspell Omega track, but I've never heard Malicious Secrets, and the Antaeus and Mutiilation are not particularly appealing.

I took a chance and bought this one. I wouldn't really recommend it. I've been a huge DsO fanboy lately, and Mass Grave Aesthetics is like a B-side from Kenose. It's weaker than those three songs for sure. Maybe it'll grow on me a bit still. More on the doomy side.

If you're not so interested in Mutiilation and Antaeus, I doubt you'd like MS.
Recommendation: Listen to Alchemist.

Start with Organasm, move to Lunasphere and then get Spiritech. Also, if you are able to track it down, get the Eve of War EP. It is worth it just for the cover "Eve of War".
hypnosia - extreme hatred and the violent intensity EP for death style thrash

coroner - RIP or punishment for decadence
necrophagist - onset of putrefaction

maybe even watchtower - energetic disassembly??
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