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i'm always looking for new stuff to listen to. i need some metal with some melody in it.

preferably death metal or black metal.

Not really looking for melodeath, more along the lines of dismember/deicide, being brutal with a touch of melody.

or, taake/immortal

any ideas?

Try these:

Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
Anael - On Wings Of Mercury
Samael - Worship Him
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone
(Melodic) Death Metal:

Intestine Baalism - Banquet In The Darkness
Kronos - Colossal Titan Strife
Fleshless - Sensual Death Immitation
The Chasm
God Macabre
Intestine Baalism

cool, i'll check out the chasm.

Try these:

Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
Anael - On Wings Of Mercury
Samael - Worship Him
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone

excellent recommendations, i have all those already execpt anael and samael. you are spot on though, i love those albums.
I need some trad. doom recommendations, some similar to Doomsword, some to Reverend Bizarre, and just some general overall.
The Lamp Of Thoth
The Wizar'd
Fall Of The Idols
Pale Divine
Mirror Of Deception
The Gates Of Slumber
Burning Saviours
Iron Man
Against Nature
The River
Saint Vitus
The Obsessed
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You'll do well to take notice that Witchcraft was the band that sparked his current interest. :p I was going to name Centurion's Ghost, but I was not as impressed with them as I'd hoped, and I wouldn't call them strictly Doom either.
In the realms of Funeral Doom - I need more torture themed stuff (Wormphlegm/Tyranny, Stabat Mater, Worship, etc).

I've heard the name of a band Vonn (NOT Von, the black metal band), but I can't seem to find any music - can anyone rec them?

Edit: Hell, anything similar to Ahab would be awesome as well.

any distros that carry Worship's Last CD Before Doomsday? redstream is out of stock.
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