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Whats the most headbanging inciting songs or bands you know?

Lord Gore - Megacephallus has the most headbanging riff ever, and Lord Gores overall output dwells somewhere amidst headbanging heaven.
Haha i ment songs that make you want to headbang, not the bands headbanging performance. I will still check out those two vids though cheers.
jsrdirect has a great selection however the last too don't have much in the ways of extreme metal but thanks anyways.
That Zyklon clip was headbanging crazy at the start, metal as fuck.

jsrdirect has some good shit, cheers ohio. Oww yeah suffocation short shorts and undies.

Whats Voivods best? are any of their albums essential or great for something different.
Hey all, I need some help with something. All my life Ive always listened to Hip Hop. I still do I will never get enough of it. But new rap today sucks, its complete garbage. Its just a bunch of posers ryhmin about the same shit in every song. Anyways Ive never been into Metal Im still not really. The main reason I dont like it is I just cant stand the screaming. The metal that I do like is metal with sick beats. I looked up Top 100 Metal songs and I can understand how they would be but its nothing I like. It was music such as some Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden etc. Basically to get straight to the point I was wondering what are some good Rock/Metal songs with good beats that I would like. There are very few Metal songs that I like but the ones that I do are sweet. This may seem like a dumb question but could you guys tell me a few songs that I would maybe like. No songs with constant screaming cause I cant stand that. And no shit like Cradle Of Filth.
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