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any non-standard instruments really as long as they're used well and fit in with the metal sound. Already explored a lot of folk metal like Turisas, Korpiklaani, In Extremo, and many others. Just curious if there are any bands like this Cello Metal band Apocalyptica who really do things differently, or maybe some Folk Metal bands thave have really interesting instrument choices (Like how In Extremo has 2 bag pipes and a harp). I like weird music and I like metal.

they are not instrumental but I think you would like ayreon alot
Check out

Eluveitie - One of the best Folk bands there is
Deadlock - End Begins (Just because it has trance in it haha)
Warmen - Because how many bands focus solely on fucking sweet JANNE WARMEN BITCH! Yay, keyboardss ftw.
Atsphear - Electrostatic Nation (You can direct download it from their website, as with all their songs from Spain lol :) )


There are not many metal bands that use cello and stuff...And I just did a plug for deadlock because they own lol, but ya that song has trance in it, and alot of Blood Stain Child songs have trance in it also :)

Honestly you might only find 2-3 bands in the list you might like, really though what your looking for is really limited.

You can try

Cadacross (Get Turmion Taival (song))
Blind Stare

They are more orchestra focused. (As In using orchestra - ish song writing, but not really using a wide variety of instruments)
Apocalyptica. They are awesome. Metalheads who play cellos. They also work with Dave Lombardo (Slayer's drummer) and Mikko Siren (great independed drummer). They've made great instrumental covers on Metallica too. I've seen them live, trust me, they kick asses.
You can hear them here -

Completely agree. I suggest Reflections, Cult, and their self titled album.
Shape of Despair are a good Funeral Doom band who use flutes and sirenlike female vocals, and they have a killer growler

I only have illusions play which is great depressing and very atmospheric while remaining the crushing guitars. It's cool to also hear Pasi growling because in Amorphis he basically is all cleans besides one,two parts on tuonela, his sisters vocals are also great.
should i get Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising, or Cold steel.

I have heard cold steel, and enjoy it very much, RAPED.
But i havn't heard Phoenix at all, so my question stands.
"Speed" is really hard to define, and even harder to think of bands for...

Iron Angel, Exciter, Agent Steel, Stormwarrior, Warrant, Griffin, Mystik, Liege Lord
I own the Gigantour DVD, and discovered a truly awesome band - Symphony X!
I was wondering if anyone could reccomend to me the fastest, most melodic and interesting album they have released?
their heaviest, most "metal" albu is the odyssey, the rest of their albums are all excellent with the exception of "the divine wings of tragedy" which is overly cheesy, contrived crap

get either damnation game or odyssey
Morgana Lefay are your friends, especially in "Knowing Just As I", "The Secter Doctrine" and "Sanctified". Dark, mostly mid tempo power/thrash, really heavy with powerfull riffs, the vocals are rough and i don't know if they are in the way you are looking for. Since you like prog stuff too, the Abstrakt Algebra s/t album would perfectly fit on what you want, somewhere between power, prog and a little bit doom, with Leven's awesome voice. Check this out first, and then Morgana Lefay, if you are interested on the quality of the vocal department too. On a second thought, DEFINETALLY check this one first.
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