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> Black Panthers btw
Thorns On My Grave said:

I am not sure if that was a serious comment or not, but I can assure you that just because a band is racist, that does not mean that all of the hard earned money from this UKRAINIAN black metal group will go to funding a redneck AMERICAN racist group. Be realistic dude, I mean they are going to spend it on either A: themsleves, to survive, or to producing more music.

No offense intended, but you're being a bit paranoid don't you think?

wait a sec, your talking about nokturnal mortum. they didnt sound like what i was looking for.
Dodens Grav said:
I just think that if I can play you a song and you enjoy it, and then I tell you that a racist created it you suddenly dislike it, that that is just stupid. Who's to say that Hitler was a horrible artist? Who's to say that Hellhammer is a bad drummer? They've both espoused racial ideologies.

hellhammer? racist? i dont know what lords of chaos told you but i herd hellhammer is quite the oppisite from a racist.
Base Delta Zero said:
I'm a human being and Cannibal Corpse has been singing about torturing, butchering, and eating human beings for years - never once have I been offended.

writing about that doesent offend me. matter of fact i support bands to write more songs about that. matter of fact i write lots of songs like that. racism is different. when a band actually means what they say like war 88 for example thats when i get offended cause they really are a racist band.
Consuming Impulse said:
hellhammer? racist? i dont know what lords of chaos told you but i herd hellhammer is quite the oppisite from a racist.

I'm not even talking about that, watch the shitty Mayhem DVD.
I'm sure as hell not going to go watch it again to get the exact words. Watch it yourself, since this apparently actually bothers you. I take it you like his work. Well, he thinks you're inferior.
Dodens Grav said:
I'm sure as hell not going to go watch it again to get the exact words. Watch it yourself, since this apparently actually bothers you. I take it you like his work. Well, he thinks you're inferior.
this is weird cause i herd him say this in a magazine last year that black metal and other forms of metal is for anyone of any color and music and politics dont mix.
He can still believe that and hold that non whites are genetically inferior (which is what he said). Although I still find it funny that he said "Black Metal is for white people."
hellhammer is confusing. i mean he doesent even look white yet he might of said black metal is for white people then he say metal and black metal is for people of all colors. i just want a yes or no answer. is hellhammer racist and i want to hear from him and i dont want to find it in the lords of chaos book.
Watch the fucking DVD. I already mentioned it. Also, it doesn't matter if he's racist. It doesn't show in his music. Especially since he's a fucking drummer. Oh boy, I can feel the Aryan pride in that snare hit right there.

Seriously though, if I can play you a song without any labels and you like it, I don't believe that extraneous information should cause you to dislike it. I just find that stupid.
Dodens Grav said:
Watch the fucking DVD. I already mentioned it. Also, it doesn't matter if he's racist. It doesn't show in his music. Especially since he's a fucking drummer. Oh boy, I can feel the Aryan pride in that snare hit right there.

Seriously though, if I can play you a song without any labels and you like it, I don't believe that extraneous information should cause you to dislike it. I just find that stupid.
its not that i would dislike the music. id feel really weird listening to it. i herd graveland and i thought it was good and i herd nokturnal mortum and i thought it sounded good.
Well, I hope that you can get over that feeling, because I think you're missing out on a lot of good music. It's good to see people of other races listening to Metal either way though, because I hate the idea that Metal is the white man's music, though it largely is (despite its roots in African American music).
byrne said:
@ impudent: are you comparing paradise lost to arcturus? ive never heard paradise lost, but im not interested if it is at all like arcturus.
No, they sound nothing like Arcturus. I just said that because they're good and he should check them out. But yeah, most of those I tried to pair with like bands. I couldn't think of any good ones that sounded anything like Arcturus so I picked a random one.
J. said:
:lol: at those of you who base musical purchasing decisions and ignore incredible music because of your fears of pissing off boyfriends and coworkers. Yeah that whole shiny nickel the band sees goes straight towards the White Man's fight to bring purity to the land. Give me a fucking break. It probably goes to help buy Darken's next leather pirate suit. Or to buy a goddamn pancake at IHOP.

You win.

Let's also consider that NSBM (or NS punk or any other NS/white supremacist rock based music) is an oxymoron, in that they are playing instruments that are derived from Arabic (non-white) folk instruments.
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