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edit: @ GayandBrutal

And yes, it's not speed metal, which is why I didn't like it. It's not in the style that I thought it was, and I never went back to listen to it.
Here's what I'm looking for: I'd like some good deathcore. Most of the deathcore I find sounds pretty generic, and boring. I already have The Red Chord- Clients and its pretty good. I love Black Dahlia Murder- Miasma (Reminds me of a brutal All That Remains) Is there anything else out there in the same style as BDM? (preferably something with good drums, and a vocalist who can switch it up.)
Yea it's a somewhat fitting closure for Abducted- a spacey ambient tune to an aliens-themed album. I'm not a fan anymore but back when I was, I remember being heavily addicted to Roswell 47. Such an awesome track.
I'd recommend you start out with ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri..., then get their debut and get the last two in whichever order.
Okay, I have been living a meager, black-and-white fucking musical existance lately. Listening to the same old stuff, throwing some new stuff in there. Always average. Waiting for the new Graveland to come in. But I'm getting bored, I miss listening to a brand fucking new album I had never heard before and getting destroyed by it.

Give me something that will just kick my fucking ass. I don't care whether it is personal preferance, if you think it is great, or if you think it is average. But if it delivers a boot to the fucking face, I want to hear it. I'm bored. So shoot.
Okay, I have been living a meager, black-and-white fucking musical existance lately. Listening to the same old stuff, throwing some new stuff in there. Always average. Waiting for the new Graveland to come in. But I'm getting bored, I miss listening to a brand fucking new album I had never heard before and getting destroyed by it.

Give me something that will just kick my fucking ass. I don't care whether it is personal preferance, if you think it is great, or if you think it is average. But if it delivers a boot to the fucking face, I want to hear it. I'm bored. So shoot.

Just listen to Danzig, great band when you're bored (at least to me).
Hello yes, I need somone to recommend me a metal band that is similar to God Speed You! Black Emperor that kind of ambiance or feelings or whatever you wanna call it. Thats what im looking for.
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