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Zephyrus said:
Noitcefrepdewalf said:
i need a melodic band with great guitar soloing and a range of vocals and for some reason i'm in the mood for more singing than usual...any suggestions?
Scar Symmetry

i love scar symmetry...sadly i already knew them but then i answered my own recommendation plea by listen to Wintersun - Death and the Healing (which i am now completely obsessed with)
Mine too...Clandestine Blaze is a bit better (and kvlter; though I don't get the name really...?) but both are meh.

HOWEVER, Malignance brings up a good point; the CB material on the DSO split is pretty cool! DSO's side is amazing though...The Suicide Curse is fantastic!
The DSO split is by far the best thing Clandestine Blaze has ever done. The second best is probably the split with Satanic Warmaster.
recommend me catchy heavy metal with super melodic leads and perhaps some dual guitar harmonies in the vein of satan, brocas helm, etc
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