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cookiecutter said:
Well I like Immolation so sounding like them is not a bad thing to me.

I gave Immolation a chance but honestly I found them very boring.

and since this is a recommendation thread, can someone recommend me some doom metal that has both elements of trad doom and doom/death? (besides Dream Death)
swizzlenuts said:
To me Drawn and Quartered came out to be a psuedo Immolation band. Their vocals mimmick the guy from Immo and they try to pull of the thick evil feel, but I think they fail miserably. The riffage/groove is never anything but mediocre; therefore, Drawn and Quatered is a mediocre death metal band.

then explain to me why I like D&Q and not Immolation
also, I already asked about something similar, but I'm looking for some real fast, atmospheric, non-symphonic black metal.
(M)aggoT said:
What do you think about "Souls To Deny"?

It's a pretty good album, even though there's not much you won't find on the other discs. Production feels a bit flat sometimes too. If I were prioritizing their albums for a new listener, I'd put it at the bottom with "Breeding The Spawn."
(M)aggoT said:
What do you think about "Souls To Deny"?

Solid album. Not as good as Effigy or Pierced, but definitely worth getting. The vocals are a little different, but they are still good. Production is weak in areas but passable. Great riffs as usual. Standouts are Deciet, Surgery of Impalement and Demise of the Clone.
real fast + atmospheric is somewhat of an oxymoron.

BUT try:

Tormentor - Anno Domini
Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon

I wouldn't say either really match your description (I can't think of anything that does), but I get the impression one of those may do the trick.
immo said:
I like Deathspell Omega and Falkenbach...

is falkenbach anything like ensiferum and what kind of black metal do deathspell omega play? i've heard they go for pretty long songs but is it old school in sound or style?
Some say that Deathspell Omega's first few albums are Darkthrone worship. I haven't heard these, but their last full-length was pretty good atmospheric black metal. I wouldn't say it's old-school.
Impudent said:
Some say that Deathspell Omega's first few albums are Darkthrone worship. I haven't heard these, but their last full-length was pretty good atmospheric black metal. I wouldn't say it's old-school.

atmosphere is pretty important in black metal for me and i've never been to much a fan of the old school production values but as long as i can make out about 50% of the vocals i'm pretty happy. i'd most likely be looking into newer releases anyway.
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