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Falkenbach is viking/folk... with black influences... if you like the viking era of Bathory you will love this too.
Deathspell Omega sounds pretty much like Drudkh... or Watain... i like them, and you should get the "Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice" album.
fat bastard said:
atmosphere is pretty important in black metal for me and i've never been to much a fan of the old school production values but as long as i can make out about 50% of the vocals i'm pretty happy. i'd most likely be looking into newer releases anyway.
Then get "Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice". The production is not bad at all, vocals are audible, and it is very atmospheric.
SMRC sounds nothing like Drudkh or any of those contemplative, orthodox BM bands either. It's a bit closer to Watain, but there's still little comparison. SMRC is rich in bass tone, has fantastic vocals, and a fucking PERSONALITY (BM lacks this a lot and it pisses me off sometimes).
Is Morgion 'cloaked by ages, crowned in earth' any good ?

I have heard it's like a more doomy opeth.
Necuratul said:
Why is everything compared to Opeth? It's not like Opeth, but it's good.

waiting for an opeth song to get to the point is like watching the grass grow..well at least most of the time.
Consuming Impulse said:
opeth fucking sucks. trendy boring and overrated shit. If you think i should be banned, fuck you you flamming homosexual.

i wouldn't say that opeth sucks but they certainly lack a sense of focus or flow sometimes and it does make for a pointless listen at times. i do enjoy most of their musical ideas but they don't always work well together when put together to form a song. they introduce to many different themes in a song imo without any real sense of direction at times and by the time. by the time they introduce a new musical idea i often wonder what exactly the point of the last one was. it just doesn't flow at times ya know? it sometimes seems like they change the dynamics for the hell of it too leading into acoustic or electric sections with no real purpose other than cramming riffs or instrumental sections into a song. imo shorter songs or even just a more defined idea in the music would help. refering back to a main riff or idea more often instead of constantly introducing new ones would help give the songs a clearer identity. i'm not against progressive music at all but its just that i've heard other bands do it better. i respect the bands talent but just cant always appreciate the songwriting. if someone else does though then thats cool with me but people who ramble on about how perfect they are need to take a deeper look.
Erik said:
how did you take 15 minutes to reply to a post that took me 2 minutes to reply to and delete
long winded i guess or maybe i just hate it when people start saying, and in a no-class sort of way, that good bands suck even if they do have faults here or there. on the other hand my response could of thrown this thread way off topic so sorry i guess.:rolleyes:
Deathspell Omega - Kenose is incredibly great for anyone who's wondering. Killer riff after killer riff, with very tasteful and sparse keys. Production is very clean, with a unique guitar tone. In many ways the album defies most black metal aesthetics, with tremolo riffs only being used a few times in each lengthy song.
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