Regarding Black Metal(serious)

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Active Member
Dec 15, 2003
I do not consider myself a black metal fan but I enjoy Old Man's Child-In Defiance of existence,Dissection and some others. I've had people tell me my tastes in black metal suck and are feminine. I don't really give a shit because the bands they like always sound gayer.

The same person that told me that posted a link to this black metal band. Which was ironic to me.

Is this stuff really less gay,feminine,darker and more aggressive than Old Man's Child-In Defiance of Existence in black metal fans eyes. Does anyone really think so ?. Are black metal fans just idiots, is this stuff really suppose to be 1% threatening. Everyone talks about how evil black metal is. This stuff could not scare a christian let alone a baby. Do goths, kvly black metaller's put something like this on thinking it's scary,dark and hateful. The drummer is awful also. I am not saying Old Man's Child-IDOE or Dissection is threatening but it's certainly less gay and more interesting than 'Graveland'. This stuff is just very week,non aggressive and less heavy than the 'feminine' crappy psuedo black metal bands I like. The bands they talk shit about are shitloads better,more aggressive, dark and innovating. It just seems like a bunch of jealous idiots.

I don't want to start an arguement, just some explaining on 'black metal'. I've went through a lot of death metal,etc... for years and love it. I can't say the same for 'black metal' maybe it will never click.
graveland tdoes not have ta reall drumeerl by the ewaya i am aniti eaganlitarian and anit lhmanist so ouw todo yo like that bitche?
It's not so much that they are feminine or anything stupid like that, Old Man's Child are a more commercial, melodic black metal band. Dissection are more of a death/black metal band but they are very melodic as well.

I personally don't like Graveland, I've heard Thousand Swords and Carpathian Wolves and they both sound pretty generic and boring to me. Out of curiousity, what other black metal bands have you heard? I could probably throw some recommendations at you that you might like.
That song definitely didn't sound dark or evil or anything, although it did achieve a somewhat majestic sound at times what with the trumpets and certain sections of the drums. It's certainly not anything that really stands out to me enough that would make me want to buy their material.
The Greys, listen to Thousand Swords, the whole album, not a few songs. Come back to discuss this further after doing so, as you'll have a much better view of what Graveland is like. Your view on Graveland may change, too.
my analysis is you are an idiot

edit: and not because you dont like black metal
comercial black metal is an oxymoron. black metal is not, nor will it ever be, commercial. until i see emperor albums goes platinum, and i see mayhem/gorgoroth/darkthrone do a stadium tour across the world, and i see pictures of varg in the window of sam goody; black metal isnt commercial
Hint: Black metal is not about sounding as harsh, raw, necro, brutal or whatever you might desire, even though it is often the case. Instead it is a representation of the underlying motives and visions of the artist(s). If these motives fit into what can roughly be described as the black metal "ideology", and the artist(s) manage to get the point across well with their choice of aesthetics, then it is black metal. (Hence a band with a BM "ideology" but rap music aesthetics isn't BM) The "pseudo black metal" which you speak of most likely fails the first part of the definition, i.e. the underlying ideology, and only mimics the aesthetics of actual BM.

When it comes to Dissection, their albums might very well fit the definition, but that does not mean that it is good. There exists tons of black metal that suck, most likely the majority of the genre. By the way, innovation does not equal novelty. (Though that doesn't mean that innovation is a prerequisite for a album to be "good")
The Greys said:
I do not consider myself a black metal fan but I enjoy Old Man's Child-In Defiance of existence,Dissection and some others. I've had people tell me my tastes in black metal suck and are feminine. I don't really give a shit because the bands they like always sound gayer.

The same person that told me that posted a link to this black metal band. Which was ironic to me.

Is this stuff really less gay,feminine,darker and more aggressive than Old Man's Child-In Defiance of Existence in black metal fans eyes. Does anyone really think so ?. Are black metal fans just idiots, is this stuff really suppose to be 1% threatening. Everyone talks about how evil black metal is. This stuff could not scare a christian let alone a baby. Do goths, kvly black metaller's put something like this on thinking it's scary,dark and hateful. The drummer is awful also. I am not saying Old Man's Child-IDOE or Dissection is threatening but it's certainly less gay and more interesting than 'Graveland'. This stuff is just very week,non aggressive and less heavy than the 'feminine' crappy psuedo black metal bands I like. The bands they talk shit about are shitloads better,more aggressive, dark and innovating. It just seems like a bunch of jealous idiots.

I don't want to start an arguement, just some explaining on 'black metal'. I've went through a lot of death metal,etc... for years and love it. I can't say the same for 'black metal' maybe it will never click.

Old Man's Child's music is horribly polished, predictable and bouncy. It has far more in common with Gothenburg than it has with black metal. Dissection too, except with less of all the above, and in turn, quite a cold atmosphere. I'll add that only retards think that all BM is supposed to sound "evil", or "aggressive", and I don't share in that viewpoint.
just like whatever bands you want to like.. most of the people who criticize are just idiots anyways with no lives who want to feel they have something between there legs bigger then yours by putting you down lol .. if you like the bands and their music that is all that counts... btw i like the same bands.. commercial or not, black metal or not... etc.. etc..

I fucking hate all of you fucks who think that just because a band sings about Satan they are black metal. Deicide is black metal by that notion. While I tend to make a hypocrite out of myself in this area, I DO agree that 25-45% of the time, black metal is GENERALLY ROOTED IN SOME KIND OF IDEOLOGY BACKED BY THE MUSIC AND AESTHETICS OF THE BAND AS A SORT OF CATHARSIS OF PAGAN TIMES, ANTI-CHRISTIANS RANTS, ETC.

Thank you very much.
I know you have good taste for the most part, Cody, but here you are mistaken. Graveland are great. As someone suggested, check out Thousand Swords. Maybe even check out Dawn of the Iron Blades first, because it has a thicker guitar tone, and may be easier to get into.
In essence, try not to think of one black metal band being more masculine than the other, or whatever you just mentioned. Listen to what you like, but keep an open mind to suggestions. If you like Dissection, more power to you, but definitely give Graveland a chance.

As Life Sucks suggested, however, Listen to Dawn of the Iron Blades before Thousand Swords.
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