Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Gamma Ray's album wasn't very good...just seems really simplistic, nohing out of the ordinary. and I can't help comparing it to the awesome Gamma Ray I heard before. I admit to not listening much to Stryper, don't know why they present no factor of interest to me :lol:, but I'll give them a listen. The last Avantasia argument is valid.

I love old power metal, but I would still like something new in this genre.

I'm ok with Fairytale, Freedom Call, Dragonland...but only when I'm in the mood for them, they are a bit too sugary and flowery (even for me!).
Here's a band I think it's decent, though the 'christian metal' tag may not be very attractive:

I think "To the metal"for me is a good one,the song with michael Kiske is worth the price of the cd :Spin: if you compare it to the great "powerplant" or"land of the free 1" or even"SomwehereOISPACE" is not that much of course.
For stryper you can listen to the Murder by pride cd specially the album title song and "Eclipse 4 the Son" i guess you will like them if you like christian metal.Its a Heavy Metal band with nice powerballads and classic sing along heavy metal.:hotjump:with a fantastic singer. ILL GIVE IT ALISTEN TO THE songs and let you know my oppinion thanx!
Jag Panzer are not that great of a band , but I can see they have a bit of popularity on this forum... Although you should check them out and decide for yourself if you like them or not. There's no use not listening to something just because somebody else says it's crappy.

Let's say: Ample Destruction, Fourth Judgement, Thane to the throne.
Do you even care about your opinion on power metal?

Edit: all you ever do is
a) bitch about the singer
b) call it generic
because it's true.....
you really thought that was good?
basic, boring, and insanely standard vocals.
sorry I dont like 100 powermetal bands just to like a bunch of bands.
I want the shit to be A+ material.
I love powermetal. Hell, im going to be singing in a powermetal band.
Lost Horizon, Blind Guardian, Heavenly, Helstar, Jag Panzer, Hibria, Dragonland, even the old Avantasia albums arent too bad. first Elvenking, some Gamma Ray and Helloween, Primal Fear, some Rhapsody, Sinergy, Tad Morose
so yes, I like powermetal.