Within the last days, we received again some deranged e-Mails from fans regarding the “extremely parallels in the lyrics” of SYMPHORCE and PAIN OF SALVATION. First I would like to say: As I already said 1,5 years ago, yes It IS my fault!
But how could this happen??
Since I write lyrics, from time to time it was something very special to me, using sometimes one or two lines of another band in my lyrics, which influenced or affected me a lot over the last years or in my entire life. But it was never my intention to damage one of those bands, and it never did. So it was always more my kind of paying a tribute to my “heroes”. Friends and fans of my bands always knew this.
But in the case of PAIN OF SALVATION this was something completely different:
My lyrics always accrue over a very long term. I collect ideas, note them down handwritten, draft sentences and rearrange them later again. To be inspired for lyrics from time to time I read a lot of books, I´m watching movies or just TV or borrow myself some CDs from friends. So I also liked to notify sometimes textuals, subject matters -about english formulations- and helpful linguistic suggestions.
The textual matters of the borrowed PAIN OF SALVATION CDs were very, very impressing for me.
So I started to notify some different parts from their booklets just to remind me beneath my own written lyrics.
Most of the lyrics for our album „phorcefulAhead“ were already written months before we entered the studio. Why I started picking off my handwritten papers again to rearrange complete parts on some lyrics and replaced them with “others” two weeks before we went into the studio….I really don´t know and it´s still a miracle to me! They fit perfectly into my own stuff . But, that´s what I did! I read the lines and was sure „this is what I (!?) wrote some months ago“! And so I used all these lines without even thinking about where I could have these ideas from….but this makes the fact, that I used parts of 6 different PAIN OF SALVATION Songs into 4 different SYMPHORCE Songs way more incomprehensible. Maybe too much drugs and/or beer? Since then I didn´t touch anything, but in that moment, I really thought, that these „handwritten lyrics sheets“ contain “only” my personal formulations. Anyway, I displaced the “old lyrics” for the astonishment of the whole band, without anyone’s suspicion … even me!
An e-Mail of one fan in the middle of January made me perplex, when he told me about some similarities between both bands lyrics. But just one month after, I discovered my incredible default, after a fan started to study all our lyrics and fans got very angry because of the similarities.
Parts from six different PAIN OF SALVATION CDs can be found in four different Songs on our latest SYMPHORCE CD “phorcefulAhead”. Unknowable I´ve done a very, very big mistake and feel now deeply ashamed for something that should have never happened.
To answer the question, “what can I do”, I´m really helpless! But on this point, I would like to apologise
myself for all fans, especially PAIN OF SALVATION and their extremely talented Singer and songwriter Daniel Gildenlöw and all the other bands I´ve used one or two lines of their lyrics for paying an homage to them. I know, some won´t believe and it sounds unbelievable, but I never wanted to damage anyone or to irritate fans!
My ranking as a singer was never because of my lyrics, more because of my voice and my acting on stage. But it comes straight from my heart to let anyone know, that this is really, really embarrassing!
So again, I would like to ask all fans and bands (esp. PAIN OF SALVATION) for forgiveness! There were no bad intentions!!!
I will never use anything for quotations or inspiration fonts also if they were just meant only as a tribute to some unique bands.
All releases will be free of something like that and will contain no lyrical similarities of any other band! I know what I can do, and I know what I should never do in my whole life. I know my roots and I know where I come from. Right now I´m feeling low, dirty and ashamed! But the innocent will cast the first stone, all the others I please for forgiveness!
Andy B. Franck