IMO that segment sucked. Out of all the things you could've played for us after hyping that band to the extent that you chose that?
I thought I made it pretty clear what type of person would find this band appealing. From what I know of you, you prefer the horrible Euro Flower Metal bullshit, so it's a positive sign, actually, that you don't like it. This is not for you; you should have known this beforehand. Also, I didn't really hype the band. I mentioned them and then basically just defended myself for mentioning them.
And you don't trust the people in this forum? What does that mean? Are you scared that we will like the band and their awesomeness will spread to the point that they aren't obscure anymore?
It has absolutely nothing to do with me, but with the band. If you actually read my earlier posts on the subject, you would know why I don't want to share this music. I don't trust the people on this forum to provide a whole song because I know that somebody would share it with countless people, and as far as I'm aware, that is against the band's wishes, which I want to respect as best I can. This is why I provided only a small sample. I asked the band about sharing their music, but they haven't gotten back to me. It has nothing to do about obscurity.
Honestly man, I know you will prolly just blow me off as such a new poster, but wtf lol.
Considering this part of your post is based largely on 1) your horrible taste in music and 2) your misunderstanding of my intentions, which I've now explained to you, I will let this "wtf lol" segment of your post go.
I don't judge people based on whether or not they're new or how many posts they have unless it's used as a pejorative to demonstrate the stupidity of the person in question. You don't seem to be stupid, so I don't judge you based on the amount of time you've been here.