Resurrected Power Metal Thread

The singer is what makes Hibria better than just about everyone else.

Hansi Kursch > Hibria singer. Hibria scream generic power metal at me in every way. The singer sounds like tons of other people - Jaocim Cans, Kai Hansen etc.

And I don't get the Sonata bashing. Tony Kakko has a much bigger range than most power metal singers, and if you think they play one speed throughout a song then you haven't heard Unia... Though I think I found out no one here likes Unia...
"I don't even see what the argument is. Dodens posted an obscure band and now everyone's all butt-hurt that they can't hear it and, as such, come up with retorts such as "U JUST POST UND3RGROUND BANDS TO GET SCENE POINTS LAWL". It's just fucking dumb. Can you people grow the fuck up?"

you pissed?

I enjoyed it a lot, some great songs. The significant change was down to them moving over to Nuclear Blast
It sounded fresh, and has excellent songwriting. I listen to it just as much as I listen to 'Imaginations', 'Tales', and 'Nightfall'. There is new color in the music which works well and breaks them free of a few different ruts sonically that were getting stale. I've never understood the hate for the album. I don't really care about 'Another Stranger Me' or 'The New Order' but the rest of it is just one winner after another IMO.
From what I've heard they're still working on their orchestral lord of the rings album, but are also working on a new studio too. We are unlikely to see anything till 2010 though, unfortunately :(

Twist in the myth had some great songs, but wasn't quite on par with A night at the Opera and Nightfall.