Resurrected Power Metal Thread

6th time ive listened to the new Hibria from start to finish, its just that good. but needs more listens
I seriously need to check Hibria's all you guys talk about :p.

EDIT: Ok so I checked out there myspace, this shit fucking rules.

The song Tiger Punch is mad crazy at the beginning
It's weird I dled "The Shadow Cabinet" by Wuthering Heights and I was so into it the first few listens and I kind of got bored with it the more I listened to it - usually it's the reverse order. But there's no denying they're a great band and I love the vocals, I'm gonna check out some of their other albums.
I don't remember what he used as a sample, but the vocalist is a very good high-range traditional heavy/power metal singer.
Who cares, it's not like they're superawesome anyway like Sonata Arctica or Wuthering Heights or Elvenking.
Whine, whine, whine. I would have rather heard a sample of one of their choruses or verses. You're probably right, though.

I'm still hitting the Hibria hard. Their albums haven't gotten old on me. I've also tuned into Crystal Viper and they seriously fucking rock. I wish more chicks sang like Leatherwych or whatever her stagename is.
I listened to Hibria songs on MySpace, but I don't really like them. I don't get the hype. I can't say I'm really surprised about that.

However, I do like Lost Horizon. Daniel Heiman rules.
The singer is what makes Hibria better than just about everyone else.
and the lack of neoclassical bullshit.
It's just full on speed and aggression! The way powermetal is supposed to be played.

and I fear that we will never get another Lost Horizon album... who the hell can match Heiman?
Oh, I thought songwriting was important, but apparently it's just vocals that are important in diversifying a band..:loco:

I think I would also hear more aggression if they had many dynamics at work, but they don''s funny, the Sonata Arctica flaming, but Hibria is the same idea for the most part - one speed from start to finish, unmemorable riffs..there's just no keyboards and no huge Finnish accent. It's like a straight line __________________________________

Sorry ya'll.... I'll probably keep going back to Grave Digger, Running Wild, et al, for the zomg straight up aggressionnn thing.............hey, this almost belongs in the controversial opinions thread at this point. :p
I agree, I think this whole thing has been rather silly tbh.

I don't even see what the argument is. Dodens posted an obscure band and now everyone's all butt-hurt that they can't hear it and, as such, come up with retorts such as "U JUST POST UND3RGROUND BANDS TO GET SCENE POINTS LAWL". It's just fucking dumb. Can you people grow the fuck up?