It was around Christmas when I was thinking about another short message for the homepage. As you can guess we all turned much older in the meantime - without a message. And even though February is here I still dare to wish you a Happy New Year. I trust that 2009 started promising for everyone. As usual there is a lot to tell, so I better start before you skip this due to boredom. Let's talk about new material and future plans:
We have already accomplished 8 new songs. What can I say about these songs? They rule, of course. You want a more precise description? Impossible. All I can say is that each and every song is 100% Blind Guardian, which naturally means there is a wild bunch of different things going on from time to time (always?).
According to atmospheres: we have everything from the more Nightfallish "Curse my Name" , to the Scriptish "Wheel of Time". In comparison to "A Twist in the Myth" the lyrical direction will be more on the fantasy side as you most probably can figure out by these titles. The song "Sacred" will give you an idea about the quality and the direction of the songs. We have mixed modern elements with traditional ones throughout the whole songs. We may need two or three more tracks before we can call it a complete album, but being that far in the songwriting process we nevertheless have made first plans for a production start in September or October 2009.
Apart from songwriting we will be heavily engaged in preproduction activities and in playing festivals during the next months. As a majority of the new songs seem to demand a sort of "live" atmosphere, we consider it to be good idea breathing in some real "live" air before we will finally get lost in the "Twilight Hall studios" again. As for the festivals you can find the already confirmed ones in the tour section. We will immediately list the "not yet confirmed" shows once they are confirmed.
In accordance to these events I can promise you some surprising songs (though most probably no new ones) and a nice stage set up. In total we are not going to play more than 10 shows, I would think. I am sure they all will turn out to be a great blast and a unique experience for everyone joining us. I will let you know what else is going on around Easter (that ´s at least when I will start thinking about another short message...).