Satanism and Metal

Its getting interesting thats for sure. So, the question is Nocturnal- is it coincidence- or is your subconscious trying to tell you something?
I heard Anton Lavey is some mystical creepazoid. I read M. Manson's account of meeting him, and it was creepy.

Why does satanism have to be so creepy?
Heavy Metal Samurai said:
13 Years old hey!

You must have a great wealth of knowledge.

The Goat reference you so proudly speak of in regards to Slipknot is, I suppose, supposed to represent Baphomet.

It is alleged that The Knights Templar worshipped Baphomet, or the severed head of John The Baptist.

Not really Satanic, just a random Esoteric relationship.

i was never sure, i don't practice or care about religion for the most part, i accept those who do but i myself don't like to learn about it much so anything i hear related to religion i can pretty much believe since i have no knowledge to object
uh... question... shadowofdeath, if Slipknot uses the generic symbols like 666 (which isnt even evil, as I've explained), Baphomet's symbol, and references in their lyrics to random meaningless hate and anti-christianity, how can they claim to be non-satanic? last time I checked, that is hypocrisy.

Also, Corey, if I'm not mistaken, has a line in Stone Sour's song "Get Inside" saying this:
Christ, have you seen this guy? Make ya sick, gonna peel away all the impurities
Cuz all you wanna do is keep curin' me, but I don't give a fuck I kill everyone
You'll be mopping up blood and guts and all the shit when I'm done
Isn't this fun? Gimme a gun and I'll tell you all the secrets I hide

hmm..... he could be a possible atheist, but a rather extreme one and not a passive one...



Lieutenant Dan
The head? I dunno, prolly in the middle east. I read over it kidna quick in my theology book. we didn't discuss it alot. They did carbon dating on the head, though, and a few more tests to come to taht conclusion.

also, as for post #158, I choose to totally ignore this specifically because I am 15 years old and have only 11 years of religous experiences/knowledge. What you need is a theology counselor and I suggest you go get one if you wanna go THAT deep, because getting me to try to explain it would be taking advantage of my relatively low religious knowledge only so you can have the last laugh on this forum. Don't run to me for these really complex questions dealing with creation/the dinosaurs and are animals forgiven and things like such.

In closing, my advice is not enough and would do no good.
Hmmm, this thread is all over the place.

Satanism and metal? It's already been said - it was a gimmick to piss off conservative knee-jerkers and now it's become a sad stereotype.

Stereotypes? No, they're not OK. This is going back to a post way back in the thread but there is no excuse for stereotyping. There are good and bad people in all walks of life. Regarding the example mentioned about avoiding the bad neighbourhood, this is not completely indicative of ALL black people. Get a grip. I'm not being PC, I'm just using common sense.

Religion? The bottom line is that despite all the bullshit arguments, there is no hard evidence of a god (or gods) and NO ONE knows how we were created as fact. Now, surely it is up to the theists to prove god's existence and not for atheists to prove that he (or it) doesn't. The key word is "faith". Theists need it, atheists don't. Faith isn't fact.

Atheism? It is not a religion. I worship nothing and I can live quite happily without knowing how and why we're here. I read theories and agree and disagree to certain extents but ultimately, I don't place myself under any groups holding the same beliefs. I take in what we know and accept what we don't. I find this to be more of a strength than having faith in a god.

Finally, I had to laugh at the bloke that said that because he went to Catholic school all his life, he knew god was real. Well duh, if you went to a Hindu school all your life you'd be a Hindu. Wake up and think for yourself.
Why are Catholics more correct than Muslims, Hindus, Buddists or any other religion for that matter? If there was one true god, why doesn't everyone in the world see the "truth"?

Oh well, that passed a few minutes.
NocturnalSun said:
The head? I dunno, prolly in the middle east. I read over it kidna quick in my theology book. we didn't discuss it alot. They did carbon dating on the head, though, and a few more tests to come to taht conclusion.


I wonder who wrote your theology book. I'd guess it was a Christian anyway. Maybe you should read some books about Christianity written by Non Christians to get a broader perspective and make your own mind up where the truth lies?
Really, how could anyone seriously believe the head of Peter the apostle was found? They'd have NO WAY of knowing who's head it was surely! Anyway - which Gospel mentions Peter the apostle? I think if you read all the gospels you may get a surprise about that.....I seem to recall the gospels can't even agree on the apostles names, or how many there were - strange really considering they're all supposed to have been written by eye-witnesses to the events, yet they cant even agree on simple things like names of important characters........
NocturnalSun said:
...666 (which isnt even evil, as I've explained), Baphomet's symbol...

It does not matter what it was assigned to first, the Book of Revelations used that number to mean something else - evil. Another way to look at it is this: 7 means perfection. 6 means near perfection yet faliure. Since 3 is also a magic number in Christianity, failling three times is utterly horrible - which Lucifer did. Thus 666.
NocturnalSun said:
uh... question... shadowofdeath, if Slipknot uses the generic symbols like 666 (which isnt even evil, as I've explained), Baphomet's symbol, and references in their lyrics to random meaningless hate and anti-christianity, how can they claim to be non-satanic? last time I checked, that is hypocrisy.

Also, Corey, if I'm not mistaken, has a line in Stone Sour's song "Get Inside" saying this:
Christ, have you seen this guy? Make ya sick, gonna peel away all the impurities
Cuz all you wanna do is keep curin' me, but I don't give a fuck I kill everyone
You'll be mopping up blood and guts and all the shit when I'm done
Isn't this fun? Gimme a gun and I'll tell you all the secrets I hide

hmm..... he could be a possible atheist, but a rather extreme one and not a passive one...

true, he is most likely athiest, but not satanist, so as far as i'm concerned the satanist signs are for attention, not because they practice satanism, because quite a few athiests hate all religions and will badmouth them.
Benzine said:
Yeah where is it? And what about post #158? That one was avoided quite nicely :)

The question about where do all the pre-christian people go when they died?

If that is the question then the answer is a bit varied.

According to Dante's Inferno, which is 13th Century christian Propaganda designed to scare people straight, it says that the souls of good pagans and pre Christian worshippers would be trapped in Limbo until Hell appeared(in the year 1) and then they would be held in Limbo, never going up to Heaven.

Evil pagans and pre-christian worshippers would stay in Limbo until hell appeared and then just be sent to the alloted level of Hell, decided by Minos.

That's acording to Dante's Inferno, which is quite cool.
TakinBackTheMusic said:
True - that'd be me, although I'm more an agnostic than an atheist.
well then, I believe that is my key to exit once and for all. also Takinbackthemusic, why would I want to read a nonchristian author's view on christianity? That's EXACTLY like me telling you to read a Christian author's view on atheism/satanism. It's highly doubtable you'll do it, and it's the same for me.

Also, I've got a few things to say in closing about things of the past on this thread. f

First off, lemme start with the gnostic bible. The Gnostic Bible is a bunch of supposed gospels and accounts written by people at the time when the rest were written. These were written by non-followers, but ones who wanted to fit in with the followers. They were circulated in the public at the time, also. Since these were made by unreliable sources (I mean FAR less reliable sources than the apostles and the bible authors), the church witheld them from the Final Edition of the true Bible. The gnostic bible is definitely MOST DEFINITELY NOT the 'origins' of Christianity, as was said above by someone.

Second... the Dead Sea Scrolls were mentioned also. If anything, the Dead Sea Scrolls confirm what the Bible says and the Biblical passages. There's no possible way that the DSS can prove the Bible wrong.

Finally, I had to laugh at the bloke that said that because he went to Catholic school all his life, he knew god was real. Well duh, if you went to a Hindu school all your life you'd be a Hindu. Wake up and think for yourself. Why are Catholics more correct than Muslims, Hindus, Buddists or any other religion for that matter? If there was one true god, why doesn't everyone in the world see the "truth"?
Again, I will say the same to you as I have many others. Get your FACTS STRAIGHT. I didn't say I for sure, honestly, can prove God is real. I can't prove he is and YOU can't prove he ISN'T. That is the fundamental paradox of religion, and aparently nobody picks it up and learns from that because if you did, you wouldn't be trying to prove me wrong in everything I say. Yes, forums are a place for discussion, but this is not a discussion here. This has devolved into Christian/Theist Bashing time and nothing more. Also, I never claimed to be better than other religions. Everyone in the world can't see the truth because of our free will. If we didn't have free will, everyone WOULD believe in the same thing and it would truly be like robots repeating what they're told. Since we are HUMAN, we have freedom of choice in almost any area of life. We can choose what we want basically anywhere. It's the same as if I don't like someone on a bus, I sit somewhere else.

Lastly, in response to the comment made about animals going to heaven and us evolving from monkeys... Tell me where is it written in stone as a solid truth that we EVOLVED from monkeys? that's right, it HASN'T been proven, just as Christianity hasn't been proven. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again: The very meaning of FAITH is BELEIF IN THE UNKNOWN. Also animals do not have a SOUL, like we humans have. lastly who can say animals will be in heaven after they die? Who can say they'll be in hell? Who can say there is a heaven or hell? nobody can, I can't, you can't. That's what Faith is for.

In closing, I can't possibly stress this enough:

Everyone is right in his own mind.

I cannot tell you my beliefs as a Christian without you criticizing me for them because you don't see eye to eye with Christians and consider yourself higher up in learning. I, as a Christian, cannot see why Atheists and Satanists alike believe in what they believe in. However, I as a PERSON, can see why you do that, because you cannot live without belief. It is a recurring theme throughout our life. That doesn't only apply to religion, it applies to almost anything you can think of. (I don't want any stupid sarcastic responses to this, even though there will most likely be 2 or 3 assholes on my case about everything I've said, which is why I have decided to take my leave of you)

I normally would be glad to answer any questions anyone here has about religion to the extent of my knowledge, but I strongly recommend if you want to ask questions about my faith, you talk to a theology teacher, because I am most definitely NOT a theologian. PM me if you honestly truthfully have an at least somewhat educated question for me. Otherwise, I will take my leave of this thread once and for all.
I dont know where you are getting your information about the gnostic bible- but it is wrong. Yes the gnostic bible was a different interpretation of Christ written by the gnostics- who evolved into the cathars- who were finally put to death by the French in the middle ages.

What you fail to understand, that there were- and are still many different sects- and beliefs of christ. Surely the gnostics do not share a Catholics views. And no, The gospel of THomas was written before or at the same time as Mark. Yes, it takes more of a philosophical- maybe even buddhist like approach to religion- without the myth etc.

Nocturnal Sun, you must remember that Christianity was not all that structured until Constantine- there were many different beliefs- even today the Coptics, and Orthodox believe Jesus was a man when on earth- and then became a god- now this is a major theological differance with Catholics and Prods- and one that has been around for 2,000 years.

Finally you say the four gospels we know, are far more accurate as to the origins of christianity- well this is very much open to debate- the gospels as we know them are totally unsubstantiated- and Matthew and Luke were written with political motivations- this is accepted by even the most conservative scholars.

Sorry, I know you probably asked a catholic who is somewhat knowledgble- but frankly he is wrong- or is trying to lure you away from other non catholic ideas and christian myths and traditions.
I have read a bit about the Gnostic gospels aswell. I think they are just as valid as any other Gospel, why should one Gospel be any more or less reliable than any other

Anyone interested should check out a book called "The Templar Revelation"

The author actually tried to find out what Jesus believed in, he obviously wasn't a Christian, but there are many different forms of each religion and the point was to discover the religion of Jesus.

Apparently Jesus himself was a disciple of John The Baptist, who taught a form of ancient Jewish, it was alleged to date back to the Ancient Jews of Egypt and the Middle East.

The Templar's are believed to have the severed head of John The Baptist and they worshipped John and saw Jesus as a false messiah. The Templars were exiled or killed during the inquisition and fled to Scotland or Portugal, the Scottish Templars are where FreeMasonry evolved from.

The Black Maddona Cult that is common in France and Spain is said to be connected somehow.

Can't really explain much in a post but check out the book, Leonardo Da Vinci is mentioned many times as many of his paintings portray Jesus as inferior to John A painting feturing a Carob tree and Jesus, and obviously the last supper picture.

For the record, the author is a christian