Satanism and Metal

Thank you SOnicarnal Artist. It sounds as if Luciferianism is almost like worshipping Prometheus dont you think- he brings light and wisdom upon the world- but also darkness. Its definately very pagan in nature-(as is most of Christianity for that matter). In fact I can see strong shades of Zoroastrianism, and Manichean in it. I definately can see why you are drawn to it, it isnt trapped by any rituals etc., its ideals are quite upstanding, and it does seem to have a long history.

Now what Id like to know, is it says that one aspect of Luciferianism is that one makes a small material improvement to better their lives, or reward themself- i find this interesting. A little materialistic for my taste- but worldly as well.
As for the drug trip etc., well this is just my opinion- but I would like to know why it would be hard to back up from a islamic point of view.
Well...I doubt that drugs with that much power existed back then, especially in Saudi Arabia. But, I also believe that whatever happened, was truly an act of God. For a man to take a drug, trip out, and redefine their whole life based on it, is highly unusual, and quite improbable. It is also said that his goodness as a child with no parents was remarkable, so I doubt he'd be a drug-taker even if they were available. And all the things he did afterward, many of them were not possible. If I recall correctly, I don't think he could read or write, and yet he channeled God's teachings and turned them into the written word. No matter how much LSD you give the hobo on the corner, he's not gonna write a Nobel Prize-winning dissertation on fluid dynamics. See?

It does make me uncomfortable to make such statements, not because I am a follwer or a mindless sheep, but because I strongly believe thinking such a thing is blasphemous.

I'm not questioning an aspect of my faith, I'm pondering if the Holy Prophet himself took drugs and accidentally came up with a whole new way of life. That just bothers me. It just seems so out of the question, that I feel sinful to think of it.

You are right, Islam is sort of under attack in America, the mosque in my city had three or four cop cars guarding it every Fri service- and a cop car always out for security. I know of no other religion that fears an attack against it in america.
Yeah, isn't that horrible? That's why I get mad when I hear Satanists feeling like the 'mindless Christians' are oppressing them. They're not being oppressed! Christians and other monotheistic religious follwers such as Muslims and Jews are threatened by Satanists, because to them, the Satanists worship the exact antithesis of all that is good in Earth and in Heaven. But no one has yet driven a truck into the Church Of Satan, and the Satanist kids at school aren't looked at funny or threatened with violenence for their 'faith'. I think intelligent people should know when to make a point about something, and when to jump in the other person's skin and walk around for themselves and see what the other person feels.
Well it sounds as if you are a relgious man Nick- and thats fine- ill stop trying to annoy you. I took the drug thing a little far, although drugs were widely used in the ancient world- mushrooms, opium, other psychotropics got followers of the religion to experience it more vividly. I m more interested in his claim that he was visited by God, to me this is wildly ridiculous- but to you its not- so we just have to agree to disagree.

Yes, it is sad that your religion is under attack- in fact yesterday I read that fucker Bill O Reilly say that Islam is a wicked religion bent on death and destruction. I'm comfortable with outsiders questioning other religions- but I think only former or current followers, that know something about the religion, should be able to make such grandiose statements. Again forgive me. Oh, and do you have any suggestion s of what I should read to get a better grasp of Islam, besides the Koran?
There are dozens upon dozens of books out there. Just be sure to get one written by an ACTUAL Muslim, preferably with a few degrees. You can usually figure it out by looking at the name.

I'm glad we agreed to disagree. That's the attitude most of my friends and I have so we can coexist with our faiths intact. I have so many Jewish and christian friends, as well as a few Buddhists, a few Hindus, and a Jain, if I'm not mistaken.

It's a shame that places such as Israel, India/Pakistan, and Ireland have so much conflict around them over something as intensely individualistic and private as religion. That's one of the things I enjoy about America.
I know i am replying abit late, but i suggest we leave religion out of threads, because everybody has their own opinion about religion and nobody is going to back down and it is only causing pointless fights.
MetallicaSux said:
I know i am replying abit late, but i suggest we leave religion out of threads, because everybody has their own opinion about religion and nobody is going to back down and it is only causing pointless fights.

Sure... let's talk only about things that everyone agrees on... keep things nice, safe, and sterile. :Spin:
MetallicaSux said:
I know i am replying abit late, but i suggest we leave religion out of threads, because everybody has their own opinion about religion and nobody is going to back down and it is only causing pointless fights.
People only cause pointless fights because they can't get their point across, either because their point sucks or because they don't have a way with words. Message boards are made for debates, and I've seen religious debates on UM before which have been conducted maturely.
This one was conducted pretty maturely.

Just because someone breaks into a fit of expletive-filled rage once in a while doesn't mean that a thread is immature. It just means someone else ignited their passion at the time.
How is it possible that this thread continues to live? It's been on the first page of General Music Discussion for months people, move on. It's really not that interesting.