School assault in Finland.

the phenom

Jun 7, 2007
Damn just heard there was a school shootout in far 8 have been reported dead and many were students...more dead might come still becoz of several that got injured badly.. The gun he was shooting was a pistol .22 caliber and he was one of the Final year students in That school. His gun was licensed because he had shooting as hobby. This all happened in Tuusula which aint that far from Helsinki. It appeared to be a random shootout. The shooter later shot himself in the head and is now in a hospital. He had also showed his weapons on youtube and threatened people through the internet.
More info(watched the newsreport and heard from Celeb):This guy was admiring Hitler and Stalin and had a strong opinion about that weak people should die and the strong live on to get a better society or something.

Sorry for threadmaking but this just makes me :ill:

EDIT: 8 Dead is confirmed. 5 girls,2 boys,the headmaster,one adult(dont know more)
EDITEDIT:The shooter is now dead. He died at the hospital.
Just heard too. Looks like an intelligent guy with a lost mind. Don't give a fuck what he does to himself, but the fact he shot 2 girls makes me wanna go to him and beat the living fuck outta him
The fact that he shot that many people and just randomly makes me sick! I mean that was totally unexpected. Yeah and uh he shot himself but didnt die so he is in a critical state at a hospital.
He had put vids on youtube about it. The shooter HIMSELF with his own account. Also there was vids where he killed people, though many of them have been deleted. I was shocked indeed when I heard about this..
This sucks, really. I thought stuff like that would only happen in america and it sucks that it happened in Finland too. I heard that the guy has told openly that he admires Hitler and Stalin etc. 9 dead ones, dont know what to say. Only thing I can do is to ask why the fuck is this kind of stuff happening?!!

Edit: Heard about those Youtube videos, too. That guy is sick
So much for 1/2 marriages ending up in divorce.. One of my friends is like that too.. immensely intelligent, broken family, and now he's teamed up with fucking skin heads :erk:
This sucks, really. I thought stuff like that would only happen in america and it sucks that it happened in Finland too. I heard that the guy has told openly that he admires Hitler and Stalin etc. 9 dead ones, dont know what to say. Only thing I can do is to ask why the fuck is this kind of stuff happening?!!

Edit: Heard about those Youtube videos, too. That guy is sick

Its happend already in other places in the world...
Why did this happen? Probably because he was a Hitler worshiper, and thats what these guys like to do. My friend told me about this not long ago, including the Youtube stuff.

Terribly sad, I hope no one from here was affected personally from the events.
Really sad that someone who is smart and is doing good in school would go and do this..-_-

And has anyone here seen the videos? It's not like I don't believe you guys, just wondering if anyone has
they started making drills for this sort of thing at school. we're supposed to huddle in a corner away from the door as soon as a gunman enters the building.
The youtube videos/even his username was deleted. His accounts from other sites are deleted too, where he posted that stuff. He's atm very badly injured laying @ hospital, he had shot himself to head.

EDIT: I remembered more stuff.. Also, he told that the thing has nothing to do about movies/games which might make you do such a stuff, when youre actually trying to live like game character/movie hero etc.. He said that it's a "war of his own". Also, I remember that his username on youtube was sth like "Truth And Justice"
^that creeps me out even more, but I guess when something like that really happens, you're too much in shock to do it right
Really sad that someone who is smart and is doing good in school would go and do this..-_-

And has anyone here seen the videos? It's not like I don't believe you guys, just wondering if anyone has
Yeah they showed them in a news report...atleast bits and pieces of it. There was one where he was shooting his .22 pistol.
The youtube videos/even his username was deleted. His accounts from other sites are deleted too, where he posted that stuff. He's atm very badly injured laying @ hospital, he had shot himself to head.
Yeah true...They got deleted pretty quickly.