School Dress Code and hair.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
I go to a private school, and their dress code requires all boys to cut their hair if it gets past your collar. That is gender discrimination in my opinion.
I'm the only boy in my school who is even angered by this fact.
Does anyone on this forum agree that this is discrimination.

I have some good statements against the school dress code:

1.My hair happens to be part of my body.

2.I can't just magically grow my hair back as soon as I get home from school.

3.Its sexist.

4.It violates my freedom of expression.

I just don't understand why my school wants to regulate my hair length.
They should be much more concerned about the students' educations.
They also need to be concerned with all of the idiots who bully me everyday.

Sorry for ranting, but I just feel compelled to post this as no one at my school seems to agree with me.
I understand that not being able to grow my hair long is not the end of the world, but it still enrages me.

Should I just grow my hair anyway and not listen to the school.
You are right to be upset about this and yes, this is gender discrimination. What country is this? Have you tried talking to higher ups about this?
It's summer vacation now for for me, I am growing it out, but the school is going to make me cut it when I get back. This idiot at my school literally said " that making boys cut their hair is not a sexist thing, it's because boys don't look good with long hair." They are being sexist, also, by saying that boys don't look good with long hair. Why don't they tell that to Dave Mustaine or Zakk Wylde, or Ozzy Osbourne.
Also looking good is subjective. One of my teachers overheard me ranting to a bunch of students about it, and he said that it was a double standard. That not an excuse. I HATE double standards.

Yes, my family is paying for me to go to a private school, but I'm not really getting much of an education there, so they are basically paying for a haircut.
I don't think that a private organization should be able to make sexist and over-restrictive rules.
It seems like the the school puts more emphasis on stupid things like sports and dress code than academics.

I don't think that there is anything I can do about this rule.
I tried a petition, but no one would sign it, because I'm the only one who disagrees with the dress code.

Any suggestions?
For some reason it copied my message over and over, and I can't delete them. Sorry for the clutter.
Refuse to cut it as a form of protest, see how far they'll take it.
Though honestly my initial reaction to your plight is to just get school out of the way, then start worrying about your hair, push the hair length barriers as much as you can but focus on your education and make use of an expensive school's facilities so that you're the best version of yourself as is possible by the time school is completed.

Hair will seem very unimportant in hindsight.
Refuse to cut it as a form of protest, see how far they'll take it.
Though honestly my initial reaction to your plight is to just get school out of the way, then start worrying about your hair, push the hair length barriers as much as you can but focus on your education and make use of an expensive school's facilities so that you're the best version of yourself as is possible by the time school is completed.

Hair will seem very unimportant in hindsight.

I would love to see how far they will take it. I'm 15 right now, so my parents can technically make me cut it. I respect my parents, but I have no respect for the school. My parents are fine with it long, but they don't want me to get in trouble. If I were the parent of a son who wanted long hair but his school said no, I'd be pissed off.

When I'm 18, I'm not even going to follow the dress code. I will wear jeans and a band t shirt and have long hair. I don't believe dress codes are right, so once I'm an adult, I won't follow one. They are trying to set us up for success, but I don't want to buy into this school- college- work- die lifestyle.

They say long hair is unkempt. Why can girls have it, then?
It's obviously a sexist double-standard, but I still think you should take advantage of your school, not to perpetuate some school-college-work-die lifestyle, but to achieve some level of superiority for yourself in later life.