Scott Pilgram vs. The World

I saw the trailer and had no idea what the comic book was, and I was just like what the fuck was that? Seems like one of those things that are just better left not being a movie... seemed way too ridiculous. And can they get someone besides Michael Cera every time they need a generic dorky kid?
I hate romantic comedies and can´t relate at all with these shy nerdy stereotypes that Hollywood and comics keep forcing on the main role. Shit looks like those porn mangas for weirdos. I´m probably going to see this just because Shaun Of The Dead and specially Hot Fuzz were awesome.

ps: Michael Cera was prety good on Superbad.
^ thats the thing though Cera never plays anybody but himself. In Arrested Development , Year One , Superbad, Nick and Norah etc he's always the SAME GUY. He's barely even a actor. Make Cera play a badass role and pull it off , then I will be impressed with his "acting"
^ thats the thing though Cera never plays anybody but himself. In Arrested Development , Year One , Superbad, Nick and Norah etc he's always the SAME GUY. He's barely even a actor. Make Cera play a badass role and pull it off , then I will be impressed with his "acting"

two words, Francois Dillinger
I am totally excited for this movie. I am a pretty big fan of the comic and think this movie is going to totally own. Anyone else going to see this when it comes out.

i'd rather be murdered with a extremely inefficient weapon