Seem's we have about 1000 Puma's in Australia

the dog's get ripped to pieces though from the tusks :(

my 2nd cousin was teaching me about pig hunting yesterday at a family reunion thing for my nan and pop's 50th anniversary, he was telling about how one goes for the throat and the other for the hind.

i think u can get leather vests to put on the dog's, but i don't know how good they are at protecting them.

i would carry nothing less than a .3030
Yeah they get this armour and put it on thier dogs, it's almost looks like a plastic peice that covers their chest and it holds their head up so the pig can't force them to the ground.

It's fuckin cruel on the dogs.
This is a pretty cool dog:

Listen baby, you might get away with that on other message boards, but NOT HERE.
Blitzkrieg said:
the dominant male will still kill the weaker males and stop them from breading as well.
Don't worry about it dude. You'll still be getting action, it's just I won't let you breed anymore.