Sex w/

Last 30 days

Enslaved 36
Stone Temple Pilots 34
Malevolent Creation 34
Revocation 31
Fates Warning 27
Voivod 25
Frank Zappa 24
Saxon 24
Aftermath 24
Jungle Rot 23
The Defaced 23
The album covers in the recently played tab still aren't displaying properly, however the library looks okay now and you have more choices on your profile, such as if you want to show lists or the square pictures and shit.
That's a nice chart of autism LastFM provided for its users. Almost makes me want to start using it again, but unfortunately everything else about the website has rendered it unusable for me. I retired at 100k scrobbles. Here's where my top 25 stood:

Only a confused ballet dancer would stop using, I will scrobble until I'm fucking dead.
The constant "Turn off your add-blocker" stuff is annoying, and I wouldn't mind turning it off if it wasn't a Flash-infested browser-crashing mess. Also, I'm autistic and feel obligated to manually scrobble songs listened on my iPod, which is a pain in the ass when listening to five hours of PC88 hentai game soundtracks (average track length probably 2 minutes) at work.
The constant "Turn off your add-blocker" stuff is annoying, and I wouldn't mind turning it off if it wasn't a Flash-infested browser-crashing mess. Also, I'm autistic and feel obligated to manually scrobble songs listened on my iPod, which is a pain in the ass when listening to five hours of PC88 hentai game soundtracks (average track length probably 2 minutes) at work.

I scrobble my iPod like once a week, it often doesn't work but oh well. The thing about it that you can't listen to one track twice inbetween scrobbling your iPod because it renders them scrobs as doublescrobs. IPods are mess.
I only scrobble because there's a scrobbler built into MusicBee. I only really used for the groups I was in (who the fuck thought it'd be a good idea to get rid of groups?) and to find gigs. Most of the gigs I go to get added by someone I know in person anyway so the site's become pretty much useless to me.
But it's still the downfall of this site. Lots of people stopped using it after that shitty beta update.

Pretty much this. I liked looking at my music as straight up charts and lists, and once they updated it to be full of icons and the site got bloated I stopped bothering. Also I dont really have a good way to log mobile or hard copy listens, so a large portion of my listening is inherently not scrobbled.

The kicker was that I also spent a lot of time with tagging my collection by country, genre, etc, and as far as I can tell this feature was removed. Im pretty much a useless asset for that 'Metal World Cup' thread without my old reference. Can you filter the results of your collection by country in RYM? I dont care that much about archiving my music experience these days, but helpful references that filter my collection by movements, country, and genre allow for a more enriched listening experience imo. LastFM no longer offers the features I want.
RYM lets you do that, yeah. You can also create your own custom tags for sorting purposes if you're feeling autistic enough. RYM is a great resource.