Sex w/

Why did they change the appearance of the profile page again and how did they manage to make it even uglier and less practical. It's like they assume every track title has less than 10 characters because it's always fucking Ed Sheeran.
I still scrobble most of my listening and recently hit 200K. I've deleted plenty of spelling fails and so on, but it's fitting that the 200,000th documented was a Girlschool song given I then saw them live.

Also added a feature where subscribers can edit plays, so I fixed up most of the times I'd listened to songs without album tags. So in a way my top albums are more accurate, although now it shows how many times I've listened to songs from those albums, rather than favouring albums I've listened to all the way through the most. I have a few years left on a free subscription which I got for being a forum moderator so that was handy.
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I still scrobble most of my listening and recently hit 200K. I've deleted plenty of spelling fails and so on, but it's fitting that the 200,000th documented was a Girlschool song given I then saw them live.

Also added a feature where subscribers can edit plays, so I fixed up most of the times I'd listened to songs without album tags. So in a way my top albums are more accurate, although now it shows how many times I've listened to songs from those albums, rather than favouring albums I've listened to all the way through the most. I have a few years left on a free subscription which I got for being a forum moderator so that was handy.

Nice to see someone else care about the album tags.

Yes the new editing tags feature is a nice feature if you like your charts tidy. Do you have experience with the bulk editing option as well? I'd be interested in that. I've read you can edit multiple scrobbles of one track at once?

I have a lot of mess in some of my most listened-to artists. Especially classical music. My intentions are to tidy up at least the most important ones. It's difficult to achieve some kind of unity in classical album tagging and I still continuously edit the tags even inside my library so going back to fix ten year old scrobbles seems a little crazy at this point.

I recently adapted a sort of simplifying strategy for track tagging. I deleted years of composition everywhere and I deleted the instrumentation where it wasn't necessary. I keep piece number and Opus number where it's important, I keep the key if it's dudes like Mozart or further back.

It's fucky that every time I edit the tags in my library to get closer to perfection it messes up my charts more but yeah that editing scrobs feature, man, I might subscribe.
Do you have experience with the bulk editing option as well? I'd be interested in that. I've read you can edit multiple scrobbles of one track at once?
Absolutely. It would've been crazy to do them one by one. The way it works is that identical track titles are separated by album title, so a bulk edit of a song from one album doesn't affect versions of that song on other albums (nor the rare case where a band has recorded two songs with the same name, eg. Overkill by Overkill).

For example, all of my scrobbles of Fuckin' 'ell, It's Fred Titmus with no album tag were actually Fuckin' 'ell, It's Fred Titmus (live) from the album ACD. So I was able to bulk edit that in one go without affecting any of my actual scrobbles of Fuckin' 'ell, It's Fred Titmus from the album Back in the D.H.S.S. If I'd instead assigned the incorrect ones to the latter album without changing the track title, then the two sets of scrobbles would become one group for future bulk edits.
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I will bump this thread with some nerding and if you're not a complete tagging autist then you probably won't enjoy this. Also tldr.

Basically I decided I would move most of my libtardary to my phone as I've mostly been travelling without my laptop recently and I really enjoy the mobility. So I have an Android phone right, with a microSDXC card slot so I bought a 256gb one which is just fine, most of my libtardary fits, and I started importing shit, only a couple discs at first, testing the players and shit.

I liked Pulsar and Phonograph - both worked very fine with Simple scrobbler once everything was allowed for both the apps. Both had two issues though - first, they couldn't deal with multidiscs, so basically disc tags, they just display multiple disc albums as separate discs, not a big issue. But the second thing turned out to be more fucky than I would expect. The tags went all fucky. I will provide an example - the René Wohlhauser discography on NEOS. Weird choice I know, he's basically an alien, but the tags, man, they get fucky.

This is what it looks like when imported to my phone:

Screenshot_2019-08-15-20-04-56-995_com.kabouzeid.gramophone.png Screenshot_2019-08-14-21-03-35-499_com.kabouzeid.gramophone.png

So yeah, his latest album is called « L’amour est une duperie – l’amour n’est pas une symbiose », so he's a good example. But observe the screenshots and follow my thought process ok?

First I thought okay, in specific cases the phone can't read some symbols properly. In case of the first picture it's the long hyphen, of this track. In the second picture the symbol « gets fucked into a Ť (which can be a thing in czech language!), but in case of one of the four tracks on the album, a simple apostrophe gets fucky in the album title while leaving the track title while at the same time leaving the track title correct (???).

My first thoughts: ok, as both of the music players (Pulsar and Phonograph) do this, but my laptop player (MusicBee) doesn't, might be a thing with my phone settings. I use the phone in czech so I should switch to English. That didn't help, obviously, but hey, had to try that. It couldn't help because the confusing thing here is that with some tracks it gets the character right and with some tracks it does it differently.

Ok, so, I thought it must be something with the character encoding in the mp3 files tags - and it's somehow different in each of them. I found a tag editor which seemed in-depth enough and yet free - ideal - and quickly browsed the help-section forum. I liked the idea of this solution because I knew if I had to do something with all the music I had than that's a lot of files that I would have to edit and I needed a quick "bulk-edit" solution that would basically just convert the format of the tags so my phone could read it and scrobble correctly. How foolish.

This caught my attention on the mp3tag forum:

convert codepage.PNG

convert codepage II.PNG

There's whole forums about this at their webpage but these guys are basically programmers and I thought if I could just change this settings in all of my files then that would work and voila. Well, no.

I played around with it and nothing was happening until I finally saved the changes and then the encoding changed to UTF-16 automatically for all the tracks so I thought hey, that's what I wanted, probably.


Well, no change on my phone. Still fucky as before. So I thought ok, I will do it for this one album, I will copy paste all the tags from the same source (last fm page for the individual tracks) and then it must be the same everywhere. So I actually deleted the tags from those four tracks completely and individually pasted them in again. Guess what. No change.

So then I thought, hey, if the tags are all copied from the same source and they still show differently, then maybe there's something in the filename that makes the phone read it differently, so I changed the file names into 1 2 3 4 as you can see above as well. Not any help.

Now I'm fucking confused. The tracks come from the same source, they were retagged completely, and they have the same encoding, yet they get displayed differently in the Android player.

Wat do.
So I haven't figured this yet.

However, I think the problem lies in the SD card. The tags get fucked immediately after I transfer the files to the SD card so I'm going to play around with the card's settings I suppose.
^ Just a small update, I managed to correct the MP3 tags by using an app calld ID3fixer. You can't really change the files themselves but you can somehow change the way the device reads them so that's good enough, then it scrobbles just fine.
i feel like we already discussed them limiting the profiles of politically dubious bands in this very thread. even the nokturnal mortum page is like that lol
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same deal on rateyourmusic, the NS bands have no comment box and don’t appear on charts etc.

Yeah but do the cunts censor Richard Wagner? No. There's advertisements for his operas everywhere in the city when Lohengrin is played, or Parsifal. You wanna read his quote? Here:

"The Jew—who, as everyone knows, has a God all to himself—in ordinary life strikes us primarily by his outward [83] appearance, which, no matter to what European nationality we belong, has something disagreeably (09) foreign to that nationality: instinctively we wish to have nothing in common with a man who looks like that." - that's from Jewishness in Music, there's no question he was a total nazi and yet everyone is fine with that.

These self-proclaimed censors like last fm and RYM can take on some bedroom bands shouting aryan nonsense but they bow down before an actual nazi swine. Fuck off political correctness. You're an online catalogue of music so stop fucking taking sides and do your thing.
You know what? I'll fucking flag Wagner for nazism and if they don't take his pictures off then they're fucking pussies.