shit you wish bands would stop doing

I would also like bands to stop taking pictures of themselves. I care about music, not seeing some kind of hyper-masculine fashion show. It's completely irrelevant and quite often an absolute eyesore.

Image is an integral part of every music scene, and band photos can also sometimes be really well done.
you sir sound pretentious and retarded. anal cunt are awful as is the music of all the bands/shitfests you participate in. you have awful taste in music aside from your thrash taste.

wow, did I strike a nerve? besides, I'm being honest, not pretentious. big difference. Noisecore isn't meant to appeal to narrow-minded mainstream dickchuggers like yourself. its obvious that you miss the point entirely and have no idea what you are talking about. You're also probably from Relapse, so on ignore you go. go listen to some Clay Aiken or other mainstream garbage. this is a metal forum. please leave.

EDIT: I'm also suspecting you may be Blue Jay's new account as well.

you know what else, I saw your drummer wearing a Deicide shirt. they are one of the shittiest death metal bands ever. look at the bands in my sig. they own the shit out of anything Deicide has ever squeezed out of their rectums.

Furthermore, you play in a nu-wave thrash metal band that I guarantee within 5 years will not be able to get a gig cause no one will give a fuck about it anymore, much like nu metal and At The Gates-pilfering metalcore. noisecore will never succumb to trends, it is anti-music in its purest form, true punk rock. I can't wait to see your band's CD in the cutout bin.
Well it's certainly the case with metal.

If all metal bands suddenly stopped taking pictures of themselves would that in any way detract from your experience of the music? What of importance does image add that is not extrinsic to the music itself?

Don't be dissing his music taste. We have to be open minded and not hate grind/noise-core, as he's always telling us.

However, he is allowed to take the piss out of every band he doesn't like. Especially anything remotely mainstream because he's just that damned tr00.


me > you. I'm going to unzip my fly, you can start sucking at any time now.
Image is an integral part of every music scene, and band photos can also sometimes be really well done.
I remember when I was a noob at metal, seeing a photo of Vader humanized the music and made it a little more listenable to me, so I agree with your point. I also admit to desiring to check out bands with cool logos more than those without even if that is irrelevant to the music.
If all metal bands suddenly stopped taking pictures of themselves would that in any way detract from your experience of the music?

Of course not.

What of importance does image add that is not extrinsic to the music itself?

Nothing at all, which is why I said music scene.

Didn't you post pictures of yourself not long ago in a darkened room with full pineapple crusher pose before and after the cutting of your 'metal' hair? Seems odd to find you so anti-image all of a sudden.
:lol: Please define "pineapple crusher pose" :lol:

Nothing at all, which is why I said music scene.

Well, I was originally talking about music so I don't know why you brought up music scenes.

Didn't you post pictures of yourself not long ago in a darkened room with full pineapple crusher pose before and after the cutting of your 'metal' hair? Seems odd to find you so anti-image all of a sudden.

Sure I did, but I was being ironic. Furthermore, said picture had no relation to any band.
Well, I was originally talking about music so I don't know why you brought up music scenes.

You were talking about band photos. Of course band photos have nothing to do with music appreciation. I didn't think that was up for argument.

Sure I did, but I was being ironic. Furthermore, said picture had no relation to any band.

Yeah but it has plenty to do with the metal image, which is what band photos are all about conveying, especially in the metal scene. Whether you were being ironic or not is irrelevant. You had long hair & wear metal shirts. You do/did this because it's all part of being a metalhead. Band photos are the primary influence on the appearance of people in the metal scene.
You were talking about band photos. Of course band photos have nothing to do with music appreciation. I didn't think that was up for argument.

Which is why I think they're unnecessary.

Yeah but it has plenty to do with the metal image, which is what band photos are all about conveying, especially in the metal scene. Whether you were being ironic or not is irrelevant. You had long hair & wear metal shirts. You do/did this because it's all part of being a metalhead. Band photos are the primary influence on the appearance of people in the metal scene.

Ok and I just don't understand why band photos are such an expected thing. I really don't think they are necessary. Whatever image I happen to have is irrelevant.

Don't you think this little exchange is kind of dumb? I don't even think this issue is a very big deal but I am annoyed by almost everything in the universe. Alright?
Don't you think this little exchange is kind of dumb? I don't even think this issue is a very big deal but I am annoyed by almost everything in the universe. Alright?

Fair enough. I just found it odd that you hate band photos yet participate in the metal image. But if you hate everything, then looking metal while you're doing it is probably appropriate I guess.
me > you. I'm going to unzip my fly, you can start sucking at any time now.

Such is how Anal Cunt came about.
"You can start sucking anytime now. There you go. That's just fucking awful. We'll call it noisecore, act all pretentious, and make wankers feel good about themselves."

GF&D, Ohiogrinder! This is no time for oral fornacation! Theres work afoot!

Dude. It's always time for oral fornacation.
Except in the 5 minutes following someones funeral. Not their death obviously. There's still spasms left after death.

Ah. The old "Holding Magical Orbs" pose. Gotta do it to be in a death metal band.
You had long hair & wear metal shirts. You do/did this because it's all part of being a metalhead. Band photos are the primary influence on the appearance of people in the metal scene.
I don't see the correlation between metal and long hair. I had long hair several years in advance of becoming interested in metal. Then I kept it short for a while, got into metal, eventually let it grow out again, and then I cut it again. There are also plenty of long haired men in other music scenes, as well as short haired / bald men in metal, ie. Muhammad Suicmez and Galder.