shit you wish FANS would stop doing

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fans that come to shows smelling like piles of shit.

Fans that can't handle their booze and puke on your shoes

Fans that go to slayer shows and say "wheres all the girls, I came for girs"

Fans that have no faith in artists anymore because they put out a bad album, I mean come on give the artist a couple tries before all faith is lost.

Fans that try to make a person mosh when they won't

The big overgrown ballheaded monkey asshole moron in the middle of the pit.

Emo boygirls.
Those with dread locks: I don't care if they smell like coconut, they fucking hurt across the face. Tie 'em up!

Gahh! Long hair is fine/great/awesome, but when I can't see a show because some fuck wit in front of me thinks he needs to windmill like Corpsegrinder....
No it isn't. Fuck that. If a girl can hit me, I can hit them. Women get no special treatment unless I'm romantically interested ;D
Yes, me with my job and my credit card and everything...I'm in high school, I have no fucking money, credit card, or anything, and I still buy music. You can hear stuff on MySpace. Downloading stuff in order to sample it before buying is fine, but frankly, if you don't buy music and just pirate then you are a leech. As for that last sentence...chill the fuck out. We disagree and you accuse me of homosexuality. Very grown up thing to do.

do you ever pre-order stuff at Barnes & Noble or Borders? Its a great way to find more obscure releases.

Fans who defend their favorite bands by saying "you just hate them because they're mainstream" piss me off. When bands sacrifice their artistic integrity for money, I obviously don't like it because the music suffers as a result. It's never because it's "un-kvlt" or whatever.

I also can't stand being kicked or punched in the face by hardcore dancing idiots at shows. I'm quite the hypocrite, however, because hardcore dancing is actually really fun for those who've tried it. :p

1. exactly.

2. to be honest, I hate them. whats even worse is I go to grindcore shows and see those spock cut-having white belt-wearing cock jockeys who are too "hip" and "elite" (which is comically ironic considering what they look like, fucking buffoons) to engage in conversation between bands' sets. as Righteous Pigs put it, I hope they die in a hotel fire.

I wish metalheads would stop being faggots who attack other genres of music they know nothing about. (Not speaking of you LS, just in general this shit bugs me.)

I used to bash power metal a lot on here, but I've held back as of late. I've matured.
I wish fans would stop bashing Emos. Sure they may be losers and listen to crappy music but it gets boring after the first 1,000 times.

And I don't support Emos.
I've tried saying that to people, doesn't work. At the school of rock theres all these guys who are into all the classic rock and stuff and they bash emo (except 90% of the bands they bash aren't emo) and I told them real emo was good emo and they said "good emo is no emo at all".
tell them to listen to Beefeater, Rites Of Spring and Grey Matter. Grey Matter even covers a Beatles song (ironic considering I dislike the Beatles, not really because of their music, but because of what they stood for)
saying that bands suck just because they don't like them

There is music I don't like that I think is talented (like power electronics and some death metal). People could at least ATTEMPT to be a little objective.
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