shit you wish FANS would stop doing

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There is no such thing as 'an emo.' Emo is a form of hardcore punk that developed in the mid-80s and was largely lead by bands like Minor Threat and Rites of Spring.

THIS is emo.

Not half bad at all however this just does one thing for me it confirms that all the MCR/(That other band who does the dancefloor song) loving emofags really are pretenders so much so that they have stolen their very identity from something or someone else
No it isn't. Fuck that. If a girl can hit me, I can hit them. Women get no special treatment unless I'm romantically interested ;D
Wow. Finally someone who agrees with me on this. I thought I was the only one. If a girl seriously hit me, I would sure as fuck hit her back with all my strength. I'm not talking about a slap. But, say, if a girl punched me in the face and broke my nose, I would beat the fucking shit out of her, and any guy who tried to beat me up for doing it. That being said, no girl has really seriously hit and hurt me before. Only once some girl punched me in the back because I wouldn't dance with her at a club. But that didn't even hurt and I just laughed.
So we should just allow them to continue to attack us?

Say for some reason Laylah Ali decided to attack you and she railed you in the head, would you not do your best to fight back? I mean fuck - I understand the whole idea of 'women being precious' but this does NOT exempt them from a decent retaliation if they instigate the confrontation.
I'm sure you'd be in heaven with the amount of mainstream bullshit metal on offer though. Try finding any semi respectable release at a fair price.
Once again, bashing anything even remotely mainstream...and now accusing people of listening to mainstream stuff...never really thought of Eluveite, Human Fortress, Gun Barrel, or Summoning as exactly "mainstream," but rant away.

I don't own a fucking credit card.
We get it. Neither do I. Guess what? Suck it the fuck up.
You know what, I don't feel bad downloading anything. I don't feel any less of a fan for not owning an actual copy of the release.
...because you're a useless asshole and a leech upon the metal community.
God. I've got over 300 cds sitting right next to me. I couldn't give a shit. I've grown to hate the majority of them.
Why don't you just end it now? Death will free you of your hatred of metal.

Oh yeah. Introducing internet humour to your argument with phrases like "fvcking kvlt zomg" really classes you in another league of human being.
Can anyone explain what the fuck this asshole is trying to say here?

Do you not see the irony in your argument when you openly admit to utilising the internet's resources such as myspace, websites, radio stations and such to hear an artist's music and at the same time object to the downloading of music utilising the exact same means that you do to initially hear a band?
Not at all, genius. There's a difference between sampling something to see if you want to pay money for it and stealing it. Which is why most people don't condemn downloading an album, checking it out, and then purchasing it.

Good taste exists, and not everyone who uses daddy's credit card as an attempt to discover it will find it., first off many of us have to use our parent's credit cards on occasion because we don't have out own. As for good taste: NO IT FUCKING DOESN'T EXIST! Everyone has their own opinions about music, and none are right or wrong. While there is a general consensus that some bands (Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin) are good, not everyone agrees with this (for example, I don't like Zepellin or Hendrix. I am entitled to this opinion.). Now, if you want us to adopt the fascist system of metal, by which each release will be deemed officially good or bad and everyone has to follow that, then just fuck off.
"Emo" started off with bands like Dashboard Confessional (formed by ex-members of hardcore bands) was softer with wussy "you broke my heart", overly poetic, whiny lyics...Dashboard Confessional, The New Amsterdams....that was Emo. People mistakenly call bands like My Chemical Romance & Aiden "emo" when they're not...they're gothic pop-punk...the only similarities are with the lyrics, which are still that "you stabbed me in the heart & bathed in my tears" shit...
"Emo" started off with bands like Dashboard Confessional (formed by ex-members of hardcore bands) was softer with wussy "you broke my heart", overly poetic, whiny lyics...Dashboard Confessional, The New Amsterdams....that was Emo. People mistakenly call bands like My Chemical Romance & Aiden "emo" when they're not...they're gothic pop-punk...the only similarities are with the lyrics, which are still that "you stabbed me in the heart & bathed in my tears" shit...

Dude, shut your fucking mouth. You're smelling up the room with all that shit spewing out of it.
That was one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Some people need to at least do a little research before they form an opinion. People shouldn't bash an entire genre based on 30 seconds of a song that may not even be part of it. But he was right about Aiden and MCR being Gothic Pop-Punk.

But off of the Emo subject. I wish a lot of fans wouldn't judge a guitarist based on their speed and technical skill. What matters is good riffs. Just because B.B. King can't play super fast doesn't mean he's bad.
.. but committing the same act doesn't necessarily keep both participants equal.

Like capital punishment.

I don't know what the fuck this thread has turned into with several different microarguments that have nothing to do with the original topic, but the original topic was stupid to begin with, so I'm closing this thread.
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