shit you wish FANS would stop doing

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[*]Liking things just because they're 'kvlt' and hating them as soon as they're too 'mainstream'.

Fans who defend their favorite bands by saying "you just hate them because they're mainstream" piss me off. When bands sacrifice their artistic integrity for money, I obviously don't like it because the music suffers as a result. It's never because it's "un-kvlt" or whatever.

I also can't stand being kicked or punched in the face by hardcore dancing idiots at shows. I'm quite the hypocrite, however, because hardcore dancing is actually really fun for those who've tried it. :p
Crowd surfing. I usually battle my way to the front row when I go to concerts, and it's enough being squeezed like a sardine, but I could do without being kicked in the head several times by crowd surfers flailing their way to the bouncers in front.

Why don't you just show up early so you can get to the front right away? I hate people who push and shove their way to the front of the stage when there's clearly no room for any more people to fit up there.
Why don't you guys just accept the fact that if you go to events usually attended by idiotic, sweaty neanderthals you're going to have to put up with idiotic, sweaty neanderthal behaviors?
I wish metalheads would stop being faggots who attack other genres of music they know nothing about. (Not speaking of you LS, just in general this shit bugs me.)
People who wear band shirts of bands they are seeing at the show. We know you're a fan if you're there.
When you are wearing this bright red T-shirt from the boys & girls club that's 5 years old at a megadeth concert (first show, and it was my fault) the only thing I could do to make myself halfway presentable was borrow money from my friend and buy a shirt. Fuck having no money =(

I also hate "fans" who heard one song from GH3, or some radio station playing their most radio friendly song, and then hearing how brutal they are.
Practically killing you for mislabelling a band.
Labelling a band as mainstream and vocal based for having a good vocalist.
Labelling everything they don't like as pop.
Believing they're superior for liking music you don't like.
Measuring a persons intelligence by the music they like. (I've known complete dipshits who listen to Mozart and geniusses who listen to MCR.)
Taking music too seriously. (Its just organized sounds meant for entertainment)
Acting like their opinions are fact.
Insulting peoples musical taste in order to look intelligent and then calling everyone an idiot for discriminating them.
I'm not saying music is worthless but it is form of entertainment. And shouldn't be taken too seriously.
It is obviously a form of entertainment but you're being absolutely oversimple by saying it is 'just organized sounds meant for entertainment' when there are plenty of artists who do go beyond, who do transcend the simple barriers of music as just entertainment.

Nothing should be taken 'too seriously' but plenty of things SHOULD be taken seriously, music is often one of them.
I wish metalheads would stop being faggots who attack other genres of music they know nothing about. (Not speaking of you LS, just in general this shit bugs me.)
I don't even really attack other genres much. I dislike hip hop and indie, but I don't say that those genres suck. But I am adamant about my opinion on what's heavy and what's not with the wide genre of metal.
It is obviously a form of entertainment but you're being absolutely oversimple by saying it is 'just organized sounds meant for entertainment' when there are plenty of artists who do go beyond, who do transcend the simple barriers of music as just entertainment.

Nothing should be taken 'too seriously' but plenty of things SHOULD be taken seriously, music is often one of them.

I'm not saying music shouldn't be taken seriously. I'm saying it shouldn't be taken TOO seriously.
Well no shit, adding TOO to it kind of means you're taking it a little bit further than should be. Nothing should be taken 'too seriously.'
Why don't you just show up early so you can get to the front right away? I hate people who push and shove their way to the front of the stage when there's clearly no room for any more people to fit up there.

The New England Metal fest, for example. I'm not going to stand up front for several hours watching crap. I'd rather be opportunistic amidst the crowd turbulence and slowly filter my way to the front. I don't actively push anyone, I just fill each vacated space progressively forward as the tumult pulsates. By the time I've gotten into the front row, it's time for Behemoth and Dimmu Borgir's set. Win.
I wish a lot of fans shouldn't make an opinion on Rap based on hearing some 50 Cent and Soulja Boy. It just pisses me off.

And also I wish some fans wouldn't talk about who is or who isn't a poser of a Punk or Metalhead or whatever. I don't care at all.
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