shit you wish FANS would stop doing

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I wish people would stop making myspace pages for bands that already have one, especially when you put up the same songs that are on the official page.
Oh yeah. Downloading music is so fucking detestable. Look at the taste of you two. Downloading music is merely a form of musical exploration and enlightenment. Not everyone has fucking cheap, accessible and hassle free access to cds, nor a credit card for that matter. Take your ignorance and eat each others genitalia you fucking cunts.
You have access to MySpace. I would be fine with it if it's some rare album you can't find anywhere or you're in a remote part of the world (New Zealand isn't THAT remote), but being unemployed isn't really an excuse.

Also, talking about taste when it's clearly subjective is a cop out
Not showering before a concert.

Not shitting before a concert and letting everyone know it by letting loose little "previews".

Those with dread locks: I don't care if they smell like coconut, they fucking hurt across the face. Tie 'em up!
Oh yeah. Downloading music is so fucking detestable. Look at the taste of you two. Downloading music is merely a form of musical exploration and enlightenment. Not everyone has fucking cheap, accessible and hassle free access to cds, nor a credit card for that matter. Take your ignorance and eat each others genitalia you fucking cunts.

Yes, me with my job and my credit card and everything...I'm in high school, I have no fucking money, credit card, or anything, and I still buy music. You can hear stuff on MySpace. Downloading stuff in order to sample it before buying is fine, but frankly, if you don't buy music and just pirate then you are a leech. As for that last sentence...chill the fuck out. We disagree and you accuse me of homosexuality. Very grown up thing to do.
Not shitting before a concert and letting everyone know it by letting loose little "previews".

Haha, that's me.

My girlfriend and I went to see Sunn0))) and Nachtmystium a few years back. Sunn0))) was on stage with a barely-clothed interpretive dancer (apparently this is not unusual for their live shows) when I ripped a mean one. My gf turned to me and said, "Greg, I'm being deafened by this bizarre, horrible band, there's a weird naked guy in front of me, and you just stunk up the club. Worst out-of-body experience ever!"
No wonder you think DevilDriver is album of the year. Too busy to lay down your pride and take the plunge to download something halfway decent. You think NZ isn't that remote? Try visiting any of the the local record shops. Actually, you'll find there's only one, being the most expensive "Real Groovy" with the recent closure/bankruptcy of Sounds Records Stores. I'm sure you'd be in heaven with the amount of mainstream bullshit metal on offer though. Try finding any semi respectable release at a fair price.

I don't own a fucking credit card. I can't just pop online and order the latest and greatest releases. You know what, I don't feel bad downloading anything. I don't feel any less of a fan for not owning an actual copy of the release. God. I've got over 300 cds sitting right next to me. I couldn't give a shit. I've grown to hate the majority of them. Nothing good is available here. Anyone who automatically assumes god like status for spending their entire paycheck on cds is just a clown who'd be better served in paying the rent or buying food.
lol at, again, assuming good taste exists.

It's not a fact of 'laying down my pride' at being 'fvcking kvlt zomg' and downloading some obscure band just to be able to stroke my own ego. I buy what I like and choose not to download anymore because there are other outlets I can go through to listen to new music, like free internet radio stations, MySpace or, in some instances, the band's website. Again, if it's something VERY obscure that I want, I MAY download it from somewhere if I really want to listen to it.

I'm content with what I like and listen to right now. If I want to expand and start buying more obscure shit like Dodheimsgard or whatever, then I will. Until then, go fuck yourself.

I'm not arguing about it anymore

Getting back on topic:

People who wear band shirts of bands they are seeing at the show. We know you're a fan if you're there.
Oh yeah. Introducing internet humour to your argument with phrases like "fvcking kvlt zomg" really classes you in another league of human being.

Do you not see the irony in your argument when you openly admit to utilising the internet's resources such as myspace, websites, radio stations and such to hear an artist's music and at the same time object to the downloading of music utilising the exact same means that you do to initially hear a band?

And believe me, you're going to argue about it some more. I've now challenged your way of thinking, You had no hesitation in initially raising the issue and I'm sure you'll have no hesitation in continuing the debate you knowingly tried to initiate in the first place.

Good taste exists, and not everyone who uses daddy's credit card as an attempt to discover it will find it.
People who wear band shirts of bands they are seeing at the show. We know you're a fan if you're there.

Haha the pre-concert ritual is an important one.

"Okay, I'm seeing Marduk tonight so the Blind Guardian and Manowar shirts are out of the question. Hmm, I just saw Behemoth but they were just fucking here and everyone will be wearing theirs. The Deicide one I just bought looks kinda gay in retrospect. I have Opeth shirts but there's like, a billion of those at every concert. I'll go with Agalloch and hope I'm the only one wearing it."
Crowd surfing. I usually battle my way to the front row when I go to concerts, and it's enough being squeezed like a sardine, but I could do without being kicked in the head several times by crowd surfers flailing their way to the bouncers in front.
Crowd surfing. I usually battle my way to the front row when I go to concerts, and it's enough being squeezed like a sardine, but I could do without being kicked in the head several times by crowd surfers flailing their way to the bouncers in front.

I was at a show once and some dude used my shoulder as a launching pad with no prior warning. I should have gone to find that fucker and punched him in the throat.
Hubster said:
Wearing gay Crocodile Dundee hats.
Spoken like a true dung puncher.
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You: fail
Way to go fuck knuckle.

Crowd surfing. I usually battle my way to the front row when I go to concerts, and it's enough being squeezed like a sardine, but I could do without being kicked in the head several times by crowd surfers flailing their way to the bouncers in front.

Mosh pits get old pretty quickly too. I'm all for an audience going nuts and getting into the show but it's the dickheads who just stand there pushing people and trying to start fights that shit me more than crowd surfers.
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