shit you wish bands would stop doing

- All this emphasis on being more technical. It can be good, e.g. Obscura, but it can also be complete shit and have no soul. I'd rather good song writing than 500 time changes in one minute.

There are still plenty of simpler bands that write decent stuff. Of course there will always be bands that focus more on being as technical as they can be, however. Instead of pointing these bands out to be a problem just don't listen to them, like me. I can't stand technical shit music with no direction either, but it has earned it's place on earth. Some folks like it, but it's not a big problem if you look at the whole scheme of things.
Damn, I think that bears more weight then me saying bands should stop doing corpsepaint. It is really annoying, I agree.
Bleed the Sky is the biggest offender. They call themselves brutal death metal core


It's been a while since someone has recommended Bring Me The Horizon to me as a great death metal band, but the next time someon e does it I think I'll eat them and their hair straightners.

ShredHead, it's all a matter of opinion just like everything else everyone has mentioned. Some people don't want bands to stop wearing corpsepaint, others enjoy the scene bands claiming to be the saviours of metal. And it is of my opinion, that generally, bands who attempt to be technical as fuck suck ass. :kickass:
First of all, people who like Bring Me the Horizon and claim that they are death metal need to have their heads bashed in with a lead pipe.

I hate most metalcore out today, but there is something I hate even more than metalcore. Indeed, I speak of...mathcore.

Corpse paint, done correctly, can be metal as fuck. Unfortunately, as stated by a fine colleague here on the interwebs, many scene bands attempt the corpse paint look and fail miserably. I, however, must admit that I find that hilarious.

Oh, and another favorite word in the death metal world seems to be "dismember".
- '-core' bands and their fans claiming to be death metal.

well I'd like all these death metal bands to stop claiming they're core.

idiotic scenesters thinking Devourment is grindcore, fuckin pisses me off.
What's all the hate for corpsepaint?

Unless it's done shitty-ily ala Dani Filth, I think it looks fucking ace done right.

No hate for paint - just poorly done, silly, latter-day versions of it. The Cradle's, Dimmu's, (recent)Behemoth, that band from Taiwan, etc. have made an absolute mockery of the whole thing! It can still be done effectively...but VERY few pull it off well.*

*I saw 1349 this past spring - the guitar player who was unfamiliar to me(shaved head)looked excellent in c-paint. Between his generally indifferent and glowering demeanor, emaciated body-type and paint, he looked legitimately unnerving and fucking creepy. It can be done - it just isn't done well very often.


Indeed - it CAN be done very well!!
in the noisecore community, they are regarded as gods.

says you. and drone somehow is? I view music as an expression of sound, regardless if its melodic or dissonant.

you sir sound pretentious and retarded. anal cunt are awful as is the music of all the bands/shitfests you participate in. you have awful taste in music aside from your thrash taste.
you sir sound pretentious and retarded. anal cunt are awful as is the music of all the bands/shitfests you participate in. you have awful taste in music aside from your thrash taste.


Don't be dissing his music taste. We have to be open minded and not hate grind/noise-core, as he's always telling us.

However, he is allowed to take the piss out of every band he doesn't like. Especially anything remotely mainstream because he's just that damned tr00.

A lot of my pet peeves define almost the entire rap genre.

- Constantly referencing yourself in your music.
- Writing songs about yourself. I don't care if you're in the house.
- Writing songs about how rich you are.
- Writing almost every song in the first person.
- Yelling out random cliches that have nothing to do with the song ("where my ____ at?," "make some noise," etc).
- Bashing other artists.
- Excessive use of curse words.
- Mispronunciation of words, and grammar that isn't even close.
- Inconsistent theme from one verse to the next, or complete lack thereof.

Here are my metal pet peeves.

- Untrained vocalists (especially for clean vocals)
- Female fronted bands and all female bands that boast of their high female participation, but aside from their parts, have nothing else to offer.
- Solos that are essentially a string of random notes and don't fit the song.
- Orchestral sections or synths for their own sake.
- Breakdowns that don't fit.
- Corn snakes and ball pythons are not cobras. In fact, just don't pose with any other species unless it's relevant to the theme of the song / album.
- Using the same key, scale, progression, tempo, beat, and / or time signature in virtually every song.
- Playing tremolos for an entire album.

I'm sure I'll think of more later.


- Excessive tremolos and blastbeats
- Dissonance for the sake of dissonance.
- Poor quality / production for the sake of tr00ness.
- Anything for the sake of tr00ness.

EDIT2: I agree with the comments about the hidden tracks and drifting toward metalcore. As for hidden tracks, I don't mind when there's a track that doesn't appear in the listing, but I hate it when there are two songs on one track, seperated by like two minutes of silence. With regard to metalcore, I don't have anything against metalcore, or even nu-metal since I still like some of it. However, while metalcore is more radio friendly and easier to write, I think that if you've already established a certain sound with your band and you want to change it that much, you might as well just start a new band so that you don't completely discredit yourself in the eyes of your original fan base.
  • New/start-up bands charging more than $5 for their demos/EPs at gigs.
  • "Gothic" / "Beauty & The Beast" / (insert whatever label suits you here) bands like Nightwish, After Forever and Within Temptation starting off with awesome sounding albums then gradually forgetting what a decent riff is until they sound like Evanescence with more orchestration.
  • Shit T-shirts with just a name on them or a tacky reprint of an equally shitty looking album cover.
  • Fucking up albums and gigs with too much political bullshit. Dream Theater are becoming notorious for it, and The Screaming Jets would have to be the worst fucking live band in history on the grounds of their lead singer's inability to string together a whole sentence that doesn't involve "fuck" and "George Bush".
  • "VIP" / "Premium" ticket packs where you need to choose between sacrificing a lung or a testicle to see a band. Even worse is when you cough up several hundred $$$'s only to have some fat cunt in a suit tell you you're only allowed to get one thing signed, have one photo taken by the band's official photographer, no personal cameras, no shaking hands or touching the actual musician, and you have to sign an NDA before you go in. Fuck them! Free in-store signings, and hanging around after gigs to mingle get a band more respect from me than pretty much anything else other than their actual music.
  • Fillers at the end of the last track on a CD. Having 10 minutes of silence followed by a brief banjo melody is annoying enough. It's even worse when it's just fucking abominable screeching and buzzing noises for 10 minutes.
  • The n-billion shithouse bands doing the rounds who constantly alternate between 'melodic' :)lol:) and 'brutal' :)lol:) vocals, usually doing so with predictable sequences of heavy verses and clean choruses or vica versa. It was shit when Linkin Park did it and it's even more shit when you're doing it. It doesn't hide the fact that you can't sing, it just shows that you sound like shit in twice as many styles. Singers like Gus Monsanto and John K can pull it off. You can't. Go play with some razors.
  • Singing about yourself. Rappers are the worst for it (though that's the least of their many punishing flaws) but there are many metal bands who can't resist having at least one song about themselves or how they're going to "come fuck you up". One of the main dark spots on Iron Maiden's career.
  • Endless sweeping and tapping in solos. I love truly skilled guitar wankery by the likes of John Petrucci, Rusty Cooley, Mattias Eklundh and Franscesco Fareri as much as the next guitarophile. When you have to resort to the same cheap bag of tricks in nearly every song to try and make the solos (or even the song as a whole) sound interesting... fail.
Zweihänder;6826596 said:
Bands need to stop playing in bars.
More bands need to play in bars.

cmon people, put your bands name on your cd and cd books. i'm not a detective and i dont want to be.

Also, make the liner notes interesting! Few things about buying a CD make me feel more ripped off and less inclined to buy anything else by a band again than getting a cheap two-page sleeve which basically has production credits and that's it. Even a shitty montage of photos is better than nothing. At the very least INCLUDE THE FUCKING LYRICS!

I wish bands would stop using bad production for the sake of being raw and just makes inaudible music.
+1, majorly pisses me off. Try hard black metal bands are usually the worst for this. I'm just thankful Metallica hasn't started a trend amongst bands that don't suck with their (lack of) production on "St Anger".

I wish more European black metal bands would tour the states.
Try living in Australia :Smug:
Though admittedly the last 2-3 years have been insane... it tends to have less of a positive impact when the ticket prices are so ridiculous that you end up missing most of the concerts anyway.
  • Fillers at the end of the last track on a CD. Having 10 minutes of silence followed by a brief banjo melody is annoying enough. It's even worse when it's just fucking abominable screeching and buzzing noises for 10 minutes.

I must say, I was right there with you on juuuust about every single one of those, but that one hit the spot :lol: Great post, & very accurately summed up this entire thread.
I wish bands/labels would quit remastering their CDs. Most remasters sound worse than the original cds. Louder ≠ equal better! Remix that shit or just reissue the damn album like how it originally was. I agree with you guys on the bonus songs as well.
Untrained vocalists (especially for clean vocals)

Actual vocal training isn't always necessary...but please be able to find a key...and just because you put a girl in your band, doesn't automatically mean she can or should sing.

stop putting bonus tracks on the rereleases of their albums. I want to hear the album as it was intended to be heard in the first place. If you want to put out live tracks, unreleased songs, etc. put that shit on a separate cd.

Agreed. If you have 4 live versions and a couple of extra songs, put out a friggin' EP.

Stop the ridiculous grimacing and mouth-gaping in pictures. What the fuck is that? Close your mouth...


I wish bands would be more honest when they give press releases and interviews.

Agreed. Quit trying to "play the press"'ll start to believe your own (over)hype...

I wish bands would stop making secret tracks at the ends of albums.

YES! That got old 10 years ago...I don't want 17 minutes of silence then another song...if you had to hide that song, it must suck.

Most breakdowns are completely useless and just waste time.

Especially when they're in every single song...2 or 3 times...
The hidden tracks is definitely the most annoying one to me. The only time that I can remember that gag actually being amusing is on Cephalic Carnage's "Exploiting Dysfunction" when they tagged on those threatening answering machine messages. (If anyone cares, apparently the story behind that is that the guy ordered a CD from the band while they were out on tour, so they obviously couldn't send it or contact him until they returned. He left dozens of messages like those wondering where his order was---all over ONE CD.)
The hidden tracks is definitely the most annoying one to me. The only time that I can remember that gag actually being amusing is on Cephalic Carnage's "Exploiting Dysfunction" when they tagged on those threatening answering machine messages. (If anyone cares, apparently the story behind that is that the guy ordered a CD from the band while they were out on tour, so they obviously couldn't send it or contact him until they returned. He left dozens of messages like those wondering where his order was---all over ONE CD.)

That sounds hilarious!! I need to hear that... :lol:

Like those "psycho girlfriend" messages on the internet a few years ago...