Should we expect an announcement this week?

If it is Dark Angel (not that there's a chance in hell), just be aware that I would have spastic semen squirtings all over this very forum...

Dark Angel > Life
I think it's fairly safe to say at this point that the "blow the roof off" act previously referred to has likely fallen through. I would surmise that the "If you're not into bands cut from the same techy cloth as Martyr, then I'm guessing you won't be too excited about who we're getting as the final band....Don't like it? Tough...shit happens!!" comments are indicative of Plan B in motion.


Seems that that act was Testament based on his post earlier in the thread.
I could see Cynic or Athiest but would that blow the roof off the fest and put it on the map. Nope!

I agree - but again, I would stop looking for the "blow the roof off" type act. I think it's going to a solid, if unspectacular, final addition and nothing more.

Another thing Rob mentioned to me before was that he didn't want to give out a hint in fear of "jinxing" the band they had in mind at the time as the final announcement. Well, based on the fact that a hint was given last night and there's still no announcement, I think an alternate plan is indeed in motion.
Seems that that act was Testament based on his post earlier in the thread.

Actually, it wasn't. This was posted by Rob in reference to Testament falling through:

GateXII said:
They were a contender...until Friday when they confirmed their Mexico dates...which were in the pipeline prior to our contact with them. :cry:

And they weren't even the band I was referring to earlier in this thread. ;)

We have one last significant iron in the fire, and if that band doesn't pan out, we still have a killer Plan B band for y'all to complete the lineup.

Agreed. Sounds like Testament was an original Plan A that fell through.
Seems there is still another Plan A potentially in the works.

Considering Rob said some people might not like it, I don't think it would be ANY of the bands you all have mentioned (Considering they all have considerable fan bases).
Well, I guess my point is that MANY bands are improperly classified.
(IE - Are Symphony X REALLY all that progressive? Are Novembers Doom really a doom band?)

So when someone says "technical", it's almost the 80s / 90s version for thrash that is a little more on the progressive side.

Not that any of this matters, other than saying the band is on the technical side doesn't leave TOO many clues, at least for me....

Still can't wait to find out!
OH no....
Annihilator do have a new album coming out don't they?
They got rid of that young kid who painfully sang on that crappy "ALL FOR YOU" video didn't they????

As far as I know, I don't think so.

As for Meshuggah... thats the only band that could get me to run far enough from the venue after Novembers Doom that I would have not a chance of hearing them.
OH no....
Annihilator do have a new album coming out don't they?
They got rid of that young kid who painfully sang on that crappy "ALL FOR YOU" video didn't they????

They have a new one indeed but I think that Dave Padden is an awesome vocalist...

Of course, he did some lines that were a bit weak but overall, he is great! Just listen to the whole Schizo Deluxe CD!
I thought it was Dave Padden on All for you? Or did they do the single EP version with the old vocalist?

Also, to clarify... I was wrong, Meshuggah isn't the only band to send me running from a venue in terror. Sepultura will do it to.
Agreed. Sounds like Testament was an original Plan A that fell through.

No, it sounds to me like they were a Plan B band.

Plan A: "blow the fest wide open" mystery band.
Plan B: Testament
Plan C: Mystery Tech Band

And to be fair, it sounds like Testament and Mystery Tech Band were both bands in the "Plan B" pool, presumably with some others, and that pool has just gotten whittled down to Mystery Tech Band.

Ok, that's my tea-leaf reading for the day!

Oh, and I almost put "Anacrusis reunion" in my first list of possible bands, so let me throw it down here too, so that I can point to my clairvoyance just in case. :) (extremely unlikely at this point'd be real tough to do a short-notice reunion at this point in time!)

Oh, and I almost put "Anacrusis reunion" in my first list of possible bands, so let me throw it down here too, so that I can point to my clairvoyance just in case. :) (extremely unlikely at this point'd be real tough to do a short-notice reunion at this point in time!)

Yeah, there's been no activity in the Anacrusis camp for years. Believer and Toxik have both reformed though! Not that you'd care, Mr. Thrash Hater.