Should we expect an announcement this week?


If you're not into bands cut from the same techy cloth as Martyr, then I'm guessing you won't be too excited about who we're getting as the final band. ;)

Don't like it? Tough...shit happens!! :p
Or Cynic?

If its Cynic, another trip less than a month later would so be eradicated.

Or Quo Vadis... Quo Vadis would be totally awesome.
Which tech - death - thrash metal act is out there that is a headliner caliber act???? Trying to think. One that would blow the roof off of things as it has been quoted in this thread.

I think it's fairly safe to say at this point that the "blow the roof off" act previously referred to has likely fallen through. I would surmise that the "If you're not into bands cut from the same techy cloth as Martyr, then I'm guessing you won't be too excited about who we're getting as the final band....Don't like it? Tough...shit happens!!" comments are indicative of Plan B in motion.

Nuclear Assault are officially over. Exodus was over (for me) in 89. Saw them a few years back and they did a horrible show. I dont like the new singer either.

Death Angel are terrible now. THe last disc was unlistenable.

Are Dark ANgel even playing live shows?

I could see Cynic or Athiest but would that blow the roof off the fest and put it on the map. Nope!