Should we expect an announcement this week?

I still hope for Symphony X. It would fit well because with the growling, grunting, screeching, and all around caterwauling that will take place earlier in the night, we'll need a good dose of powerful melodic vocals to cleanse the palate - sort of like Heavy Metal Sherbet. :)


I totally agree...but put someone better in place of Syphony X. It is nice to have some variety.
I'd be all for it ... they should have some new material ready to go as well. I've seen them six times before, but they would be a welcomed addition to me given all the the doom and death that awaits us that Saturday night.
I'd be all for SX as well. But they're not the type of band that would "blow this festival up" (as Rob put it).

I'm totally stumped. It will be very interesting to learn who this mystery band is, regardless of whether they actually play the festival. I suspect either Rob is overestimating someone's drawing power or we're underestimating the Powerfest budget. I suppose the other option is, we've already guessed who it is, but Rob nixed it for reasons he'll probably reveal at a later date.

Still, you're probably right, just like everyone else - but name another band that fits all the said criteria that would be far less high profile? Candlemass with their new singer perhaps? Ah, but Rob stated no more pure "doom" bands. Name some bands you damn guru you.

Yeah, I dunno. I guess I've been assuming that a lot of the 'wow' factor for this band would be from their uniqueness (American debut, for example), not necessarily their worldwide drawing power. Especially since every band booked thus far besides November's Doom hasn't done extensive touring in the area.

So....Arcturus? Coroner? Spiral Architect? Suidakra? Rotting Christ? Yeah, I guess most of those don't make sense either. But it seems like it sorta has to be a band that isn't too experienced with touring, otherwise the communication channels would be more established and a go/no go decision would have been made a long time ago.

The best part will be if they *don't* get the band, and then we'll be able to sit here and guess at it for the rest of our lives!

I suspect either Rob is overestimating someone's drawing power or we're underestimating the Powerfest budget.

Or something came together that allowed something that would blow us away to come close to happening - something "outside the box".

General Zod said:
I suppose the other option is, we've already guessed who it is, but Rob nixed it for reasons he'll probably reveal at a later date.

If I remember correctly, Chris or Rob indicated that a "how it happened or didn't happen" thread would not be forthcoming. You never know though....
Yeah, I dunno. I guess I've been assuming that a lot of the 'wow' factor for this band would be from their uniqueness (American debut, for example), not necessarily their worldwide drawing power.

I suppose if "uniqueness" is the main factor, then it truly could be just about anyone. If "drawing power" is the main factor, then as I stated in my post above, something "outside the box" would have to have happened for it to come together (or at least *close* to coming together).

skyrefuge said:
The WORST part will be if they *don't* get the band, and then we'll be able to sit here and guess at it for the rest of our lives!

Fixed. :loco:
I found it
I wonder why they believe it's not in their best interest. For one, Glenn does it every year. And while I wouldn't expect Chris and Rob to accept Glenn's method of doing business as gospel, it hasn't hurt ProgPower. That said, regardless of whether they write a "tell all" thread, I would certainly hope they'll let us know who the headliner was suppose to be (if it falls through). I'm not sure how stating, "We went after Band X, but couldn't reach agreement" would negatively impact them in some way.

Now Wintersun would be a great pick....they are gaining lots of momentum in the states....lots of the kids are talking about them. I thought I saw them on the cover of some teen magazine....they coul dbe the next Backstreet Boys...may want to get them Rob before the break huge.

That's so weird...a friend of mine just told me to check these guys I'm really curious. Searching them out now....
I wonder why they believe it's not in their best interest. For one, Glenn does it every year. And while I wouldn't expect Chris and Rob to accept Glenn's method of doing business as gospel, it hasn't hurt ProgPower. That said, regardless of whether they write a "tell all" thread, I would certainly hope they'll let us know who the headliner was suppose to be (if it falls through). I'm not sure how stating, "We went after Band X, but couldn't reach agreement" would negatively impact them in some way.


I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope it won't be the case...but if they do indeed fall through, I don't see any reason why we couldn't tell you who it is/was. Especially since we'll probably never ask them again. :Smug:
Yeah that's what I gathered from the 36 "Really's". Maybe it's a clue ..... 36 Crazyfists ?? God, I hope not !!


LOL!! :lol: Purely coincidence.

So it doesn't look like we are close to anything then yet, huh?

We're no further or closer than we were yesterday or even two weeks ago. What really sucks though, is that we don't even know which way they're leaning...yes or no. Their booking agent (and other members as well, I'm guessing) have been trying to get an answer from each member, and that's the hold up. Apparently one or 2 of the guys are hard to get a hold of right now...possibly on vacation or something...not sure.
That's so weird...a friend of mine just told me to check these guys I'm really curious. Searching them out now....

they are really good...totally worth checking out. Not the most original stuff but the disc is solid. I dont know how many times I have listened to it. At first it seems like COB worship but after a few listens it really hits. I recommend checking out Ensiferum too, that is where he origianlly came from..both bands kinda sound sort of alike.