Sideways...just because you know it deserves its own thread

it has definetelly grown on me ... the scene where he goes to call his ex wife drunk during dinner rules so immensly.
actually, it wasn't as bad as I want to give it credit for, but that actor dude's character bothered me so much that I almost didn't want to finish the movie.
i have a friend who is just like that guy ... married for 2 years and he cannot keep it in his pants ... I mean the guy just fucks every girl he meets ... but he has zero fucking guilt and never gets attached ... pure sex.

that movie definetelly makes sense ... but like I said in another thread you have to be a little older to appreciate it IMHO
It was great, but not as amazing as many thought. However, it was very muchly thusly fun and I identified with almost everything the two dudes did in some form, including places they went. :)

Eternal Sunshine > Life Aquatic > Sideways
one of my exes that is in Japan told me that Lost in Translation is dead on as far as how Japan is and the people ...
that being said ... I never want to go to Japan
I liked Sideways in some parts, but the self loathing guy just got on my nerves after a while.

The pervert guy was hilarious.

The best American indie type movie I've seen in the past year or so is Garden State. I really, genuinely enjoyed that film 100%
America's been doing well recently (as opposed to relying on blockbuster drivel):

Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sideways, Million Dollar Baby, Faranheit 9/11...these are the sorts of movies that will be archived and pulled out for film schools for years to come.

Granted, I like popcorn flicks, but 99.9% of them are just dire. Waste of time. I dunno, I like 'off the wall' movies more than your Men in Black or Armageddon type stuff.
J. said:
The best American indie type movie I've seen in the past year or so is Garden State. I really, genuinely enjoyed that film 100%
Aye, that one was very good. I loved that dude's über Jewish aunt. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
I haven't seen that one, but what did you think of The Royal Tennabaums? I thought that was spectacular. Then again, I'm a big Gene Hackman fan.
Haven't seen that or Rushmore, but if either are half as good as Life Aquatic, I'll love them. I think you'll really dig it, honestly I don't know why so many people didn't. It's different, it's fun, it has 50 David Bowie songs, and fucking pirates! And that's not even including the excellent cast!
i hated the obvious lame sets ... ship on a soundstage and just annoyingly quirky indie overdone look of it.

Tenenbaums was saved by a killer cast ... but this one ... blah