
The fact that every time they look down at their fingers, they can't help but remember what that tattoo represents. It's not just a "cool snake" to look at. They got it to symbolize the love they once had for each other. And considering they are not on good terms anymore (or so we hear), it wont be easy to look at that tattoo.
Alexi himself stated several times that each of his tattoos represents a special part of his life, and he doesn´t regret having them, no matter whether they represent a good or a bad part. That applies for the snake as well as to all his other tattoos.
And I hope that the snake does not only remind him of the - maybe bad - end of a small part of his life, but hopefully also of a great time when he was in love with her and spent his time with her.
The fact that every time they look down at their fingers, they can't help but remember what that tattoo represents. It's not just a "cool snake" to look at. They got it to symbolize the love they once had for each other. And considering they are not on good terms anymore (or so we hear), it wont be easy to look at that tattoo.
I understand that, sorry for spam btw, but if he and Kim were happy together and the snake reccal him not only bad memories I can't see the problem. Of course parting is hard thing in live of everybody, but they still friends. It's easier if there's no hate between them. Kimberly is big part of his life, but this is a good part. I suppose.
well, yeah. it would like a mixture of feelings looking down at that tattoo. the good and the bad that came out of that relationship. I guess if I was either of them, I wouldn't really regret it either. It's a symbol of a time in your life. People change and move on, it's natural.
People change and move on, it's natural.---->because of that i don't like tattoos

right. but the love that you had for that person, band, music, event, whatever your tattoo represents will never be forgotten. it's a time in your life where you valued that certain thing. for example, I can get a Bodom tattoo now and hate the music that Bodom will be making in the next 5 years. I wouldn't care tho, cuz the music they had made earlier in their career will always be a big part in my heart, so to speak. I'll always love them for the music they used to play. and that music will live on. Therefore, that tattoo would not seem like a bad idea at all.
I don't need to write upon my body to remember things. Maybe people have a short memory, i don't know. But you seem to contradict yourself:

"cuz the music they had made earlier in their career will always be a big part in my heart," ---->
it is in your heart or upon your skin? As you said it is in your heart because your love this music, ok. So why do you need to put it on your skin? I answer for you: to show others what you like. I don't need to show others what i like, what i love, by drawing upon my skin. I can show what i love and like just by simply talking to other people if they want to know, and IF i want to say those things to others.
And what if you don't like this music anymore in the future?... Laser?
PLUS i don't really like anymore all those skulls& snakes& reapers. They were cool when i was a teenager. But now they feel just for...Angry teenager... and i don't like them anymore.
I don't need symbols to show others my beliefs.
(sorry for my bad english i hope you understand what i try to say.)
I don't need to write upon my body to remember things. Maybe people have a short memory, i don't know. But you seem to contradict yourself:

"cuz the music they had made earlier in their career will always be a big part in my heart," ---->
it is in your heart or upon your skin? As you said it is in your heart because your love this music, ok. So why do you need to put it on your skin? I answer for you: to show others what you like. I don't need to show others what i like, what i love, by drawing upon my skin. I can show what i love and like just by simply talking to other people if they want to know, and IF i want to say those things to others.
And what if you don't like this music anymore in the future?... Laser?
PLUS i don't really like anymore all those skulls& snakes& reapers. They were cool when i was a teenager. But now they feel just for...Angry teenager... and i don't like them anymore.
I don't need symbols to show others my beliefs.
(sorry for my bad english i hope you understand what i try to say.)

It's simply a difference in personal tastes in terms of one's own personal appearance.

Sure, some people (unwisely) get tattoos to show something off to other people, but for most it is founded in something of deep personal value. You may not want to put in on your skin, but others might want to.

You either like tattoos or you don't.
I don't need to write upon my body to remember things. Maybe people have a short memory, i don't know. But you seem to contradict yourself:

"cuz the music they had made earlier in their career will always be a big part in my heart," ---->
it is in your heart or upon your skin? As you said it is in your heart because your love this music, ok. So why do you need to put it on your skin? I answer for you: to show others what you like. I don't need to show others what i like, what i love, by drawing upon my skin. I can show what i love and like just by simply talking to other people if they want to know, and IF i want to say those things to others.
And what if you don't like this music anymore in the future?... Laser?
PLUS i don't really like anymore all those skulls& snakes& reapers. They were cool when i was a teenager. But now they feel just for...Angry teenager... and i don't like them anymore.
I don't need symbols to show others my beliefs.
(sorry for my bad english i hope you understand what i try to say.)

You definitely have a valid point. I also hate when people get tattoos just for the sake of being "cool" or to prove something to others. Like Delanoir said, for some people, it's not like that at all. The tattoo I was thinking of getting wouldn't even be visible unless I took off my shirt or something cuz it's going to be on my side, on the ribs. It's not something a lot of people would see. And it's not something that should be for others, altho I know most people subconsciously do it for this reason, whether they admit it or not. It's like meaningful artwork on your body. If you don't want to "pollute" your body with it, then don't. I can see both sides to this argument; and to an extent, I definitely agree with you.

just think twice before doing it! And btw i don't have nothing against people with tattoos, so sorry for my OT!

back IT: Sinergy were an amazing kick ass band , and to be invited by Kimberly on stage was a dream come true... I traveled 700 km to see them, it was definitely worth the distance:headbang: so it is sad not to see them again...

a day i will never forget, not only for the gig, but for all the nice people i've met there.

...and Kim even gave me a kiss :oops::p
Sadly not... :( it was back in 2002 i think even pictures are difficult to find, i have one with me and two girls on stage but only Lauri Porra is visible
oh well, the memory is what counts. I'm glad you got to be on stage with Sinergy...but we haven't heard the full story. How did you get invited on stage?