And Fabrice TooLate. Air EQ 2 was to be released a year ago.His name should be Steven Soon

And Fabrice TooLate. Air EQ 2 was to be released a year ago.His name should be Steven Soon
Christ! The amount of people whinging and moaning over the guy whose products have made great sounds accessible to the masses at a fraction of their past cost! Write your own fucking plugins and get a grip.
Christ! The amount of people whinging and moaning over the guy whose products have made great sounds accessible to the masses at a fraction of their past cost! Write your own fucking plugins and get a grip.
Still don't understand how Slate cops sh*t for AAX, it's not as if he invented the format. I still don't understand why ProTools went AAX: what was wrong with native VST standard? It's like Microsoft and Silverlight over Adobe Flash - duplicate, unnecessary standard.
developers knew it was coming and had access to the API months before PT11 came out.
IKmultimedia anyone? They don't even have most stuff in 64 bit vst yet. Promised for years. They rather release fancy ipad apps
IKmultimedia anyone? They don't even have most stuff in 64 bit vst yet. Promised for years. They rather release fancy ipad apps
Still don't understand how Slate cops sh*t for AAX, it's not as if he invented the format. I still don't understand why ProTools went AAX: what was wrong with native VST standard?
It's like Microsoft and Silverlight over Adobe Flash - duplicate, unnecessary standard.
Anyone know how close VMR is to release? I know Stevens reluctant to even drop hints due to the unnecessary shit he's been putting up with over at Gearslutz.
Been eagerly awaiting it as I love the VBC comps, from what I've been reading VMR has just been getting final tweaks?
It's worth noting that AAX launched with PT10 in 2011. Developers had 2 years before PT11 abandoned old formats and it's been a years since. I won't pretend to understand what a tremendous (and expensive) undertaking that is, but it may offer some insight into why things like WUP exist.There's been quite the teething stage however developers knew it was coming and had access to the API months before PT11 came out. Quite a few developers (iZotope, Toontrack) took full advantage of this while plenty didn't. PACE seems to be making a lot of things difficult, however.