
Cant stand them either, and its not because they are successful, its because they are fucking nu-metal!!!
sixxswine said:
I like their gimmick, suits & clown paint...
Wait that has been done before...
I think they are called KISS...
Really, I like the image, music is
as the brothas say "whack.":p

Don't forget split enz, insane clown posse and alice cooper. (for the make up thing)
After having listened to both CDs from Crap.. I mean Slipknot.

there are a few tune that are listenable..they do write a okay song now then.

but...that does not save them from the sea of crap they are sinking in. They write boring, flat songs that have no dynamics, etc.
the sooner they vanish the better
Well, Joey of Slipknot is in the Murderdolls. I hate the Murderdolls. But they gave Dani Filth a beating he'd earned so kudos for them!:lol:
Slipknot be boring, matey. Arrgg.
Slipknot just arn't a good band, no matter how you put it. But I'd like to take all their fans and make them listen too the good shit and be like well now what do you think? Reply why thank you metal rules. Yes another break through.
Most Slipknot fans are just pathetic. They like the band, but have never been exposed to reallllll EXTREME metal, once they hear a band like Hate Eternal, or Pyaemia, they usually have a whole new outlook on Metal, and Death Metal especially. But, to each his own. ;)