So here I am, looking out of the window


Nov 1, 2001
And the season has come where loads of Arab families come here to BBQ and spend time with their family...and now I see this huge guy with a beard down to his belly, it's really long but black not red. Hahah, watch out Johan, there's a Yalla who's almost reached your record :D
hehe long beard equals respect :)

speaking of long beard, "lord k" of the project hate has got a really impressing one:

Eh Eh!Talking bout beards,I was wondering how many bearded maniacs walk on this forum usually.You,Patric,wrote one time you had a long beard.Mine was VERY long and I had to cut for here in the summer it is very HOT!We can start a contest... :cool:
Oh my god Spaffe, THANK YOU for the picture goddamn I must check out The Project Hate, eventhough a friend of mine was attacked by one of their members haha but nevermind.

Yeah Cadarn, it turned out my beard-hormones aren't fully developed hah eventhough I emptied a jar of C-Vitamins (goddamn) but hey it's getting bigger and thicker so I'll start growing mine again in short time. Although perhaps I'll trimm it so it doesn't look too fucked up, then again I'm more found of LONG beards than short thick ones.
Patric said:
Oh my god Spaffe, THANK YOU for the picture goddamn I must check out The Project Hate, eventhough a friend of mine was attacked by one of their members haha but nevermind.
personally i don't like them at all, only the beard ;), to much clear vocals and not enough grinding.

btw lord k can be found in the reviews forum in case you'd like to get in contact. :)
Yeah well I'm still looking forward to hear them at 2000 Decibel anyway. I checked the pics out at the homepage and for some reason I'm really disgusted by these guys haha.....
Patric said:
Yeah well I'm still looking forward to hear them at 2000 Decibel anyway. I checked the pics out at the homepage and for some reason I'm really disgusted by these guys haha.....

hehe, just your first reaction? :)

nah their kinda cute, not like you of course on you new avatar ;)
A capiscum king?? And for fucks sake, who's wearing small pants???? Where the fuck is this shit from??

Anyway, NOOOO I'm the TOWER of POWER, the MAN of the HOUR and the guy that's too SWEET to be SOUR! Fuck yeah! Just ask the tiny gothic teen girls I ate alive at the concert last night :headbang:

cap·si·cum ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k
  1. Any of various tropical American pepper plants of the genus Capsicum, especially any of the numerous cultivated forms of the species C. annuum and C. frutescens.
  2. The fruit of any of these plants, especially the dried pungent types used as a condiment and in medicine.
Patric said:
Hey what the fuck, this is the deathrace king and I'm DRUNK not sun-burnt. What's wrong with it?

Okay, then you're drunk. For me it looked like an early phase of facial sunburn:)
On this pic you look really innocent:)

NP: Thyrfing - The Giant's Laughter
Heheh well it's taken in Singapore so there's a slight possbility that I'm sunburnt, I don't know. Innocent? Yeah but in the calmest waters the wildest fish roam or whatever we say in Sweden...
gcele said:
Or as they say about all the serial killers: "But he seemed like such a nice guy..."

Since my eye is swollen and totally fucked after a concert, I've been wearing sunglasses all they and people mistake me for Peter Lundin :p