so if I understood it well......

But that is one of the problems man. You've ran these conclusions through your head so much that you've made giants out of mice. You're causing yourself more grief than you can handle, and you're suffering for it.
I asked him to give me advice and he gave it. There was no fault in anything he said.
besides it being dumb.

don't think, just do. overthinking shit is what brings you down.

personally, i've developed a technique to help with stressful shit. i repeat whiskey in my head over and over and find intense satisfaction that relief is less than a couple hours away.

i know you have tons of physical issues which is a big hinderance on getting into social networks, but fuck, just hit up random AA meetings and fuck around. wing shit. role play. just more things to look forward to.
I wish that worked for me. Drinking lifts my depression for the first half of the drunk, but then during the second half I have panic attacks and feel like shit. Yet I still get drunk every week because I love the first half so much.
i only had a few beers yesterday, and I felt really good. once I came down, i was in a TERRIBLE mood. just verify any of this shit with Laura if any of it isn't believable. I'm on the phone with her for most of my non-working day, so she hears the shit that goes on
Like I said I'm on your side no matter what because despite having only met you once I consider you a best friend.

But I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't think "geez Will at least you have an awesome girlfriend"
thanks alot. you're a cool dude. i DO have an awesome girlfriend, but I don't throw it in the face of anyone intentionally... which I'd like to address again. I only make all of the posts that I do because its one of my ways of showing that I care. I don't see her often, and when I can't get in touch with her, it's a nice gesture to show her that I was thinking about her... and in a way, it's a good gesture to post it in a public area because it shows that I'm not afraid to show how I feel about her when others can read it.
It's still beyond me why anyone would have anything against Will. So he posts stuff about Laura, which 99.9% of the time is more interesting than 99.9% of the other threads here.
I didn't read the whole thing (as usual) but if you ever need to start a new social life, I'd say the best bet is college. I don't know if that's financially possible for you Will, but that's what really helped me out 2 years ago when my life was also in a shit state. And coincidentaly, at that time I was posting a lot more often on UM. It's not that UM makes your life like crap, but when you have nothing to do and you just feel depressed you have tendencies to go on a forum and shit talk about anything hehe. Anyway, I wasn't pissed at you, I knew you were doing it all on purpose for pissing some of us off (I admit I was pissed off at first, but then I realized it was all a joke), I should have gauged my words better, but this thread was a bit of a parody too.