So the SOT kids are planning a secession...

One Inch Man said:
People have been banned here. Correction, utterly worthless assholes have been banned here, not very many though. :) :worship:
Actually, I think only one person ever got banned, no? 'Twas the 'factoid' dude. "Prove it, prove it, prove it, prove it....see you can't....I must be are all are all hypocrites for only hanging out with white people....I'll pay you $5k to prove it....prove it.....".

Yeah prove this. *banned*
hahahaha I forgot that he offered $5,000 to anyone that proved whites were not superior, that was amazing.

I thought one of the COB kids was banned from this forum as well? Or maybe he just asked to leave and did, I don't remember.
Nope - COB blew over in days and nobody returned. We ended that one quick. Thing about COB though is that they're just dumb kids.

I piss into the water that flows under the bridge.
True, a lot of them were the "lolz eYe d0nt th1nk s000!!111111lolz" types. Egads.

Thanks for reminding me, I need to whiz. :Spin:
NoLordy Capone said:
They're angry because a few of them were banned for trolling after being told repeatedly not to, one of whom hacked UM at one point. Also, Deron made one remove a picture of two gays kissing from his signature. Now, they intend to leave. Fine with me. They want to drag the Dark Tranquillity forum with them, which is not. Any pointers on keeping these fags from taking a paid forum with them?

You know, not everyone in SOT is doing as you say. I really wish people would stop lumping us all into the same ball. A correct way to word it is "some of the kids at SOT" or something along those lines.
Meh.. I just don't give a hoot. This place hjust keeps me unbored during my 15 minute breaks at work.. Anyone that is a friend from there is already on my msn list. Everyone else thinks I'm a nazi or something. It's classic.

I think some kind of destructive force is needed at sot.. Or just a time machine to go back to when Bumblefoot posted poll's about sniffing his poo finger and stuff, and when ppl still thought hammering moss was cool.

It's still cool.
markgugs said:
I don't remember telling you that you were "scared" of me. But I certainly remember telling you that you were an idiot. My opinion hasn't changed much incidentally.

Now shoo.

P.S. It was WAV file compression, not a music compressor. You kept on about it being a compressor. Just to set the record straight.
Just to set the record straight, you are totally bad at arguing a point (unless of course you consider lying, changing the story around, or just completely avoiding the topic to be good arguing tactics...)

*You were my favorite, markgugs!*
Kushantaiidan said:
Meh.. I just don't give a hoot. This place hjust keeps me unbored during my 15 minute breaks at work.. Anyone that is a friend from there is already on my msn list. Everyone else thinks I'm a nazi or something. It's classic.

I think some kind of destructive force is needed at sot.. Or just a time machine to go back to when Bumblefoot posted poll's about sniffing his poo finger and stuff, and when ppl still thought hammering moss was cool.

It's still cool.
I swear you were a Nazi.