So what be the next big trendy thing?

I'm thinking, it is quite possible, for people to begin to like post-rock sludge bands like Isis, Cult of Luna, Red Sparrows. Hell I could even see a band like Lair of the Minotaur getting decently popular, as The Ultimate Destroyer is pretty much just what people who want to seem "hardcore" woud listen to, except it fucking rules. Mastodon already are well known, and with Isis touring with Tool, sludge has a big big big chance of getting "trend" status.

Stoner rock/metal has a good chance considering how well known Queens of the Stone Age and The Sword are now days.
I think there will be a new wave of ultraqueer happycore music to counter all of the emo depressive music. After the happy music stage, the new popular music will proably be B-grade experimental,alternative,proto-nu-semi-trad-post-metal-electro-ultra-melodic-futuristic-space-prog, jazz influenced death-tech-metalgore,12-bar-blues-sludge-doom or some variation..!!!!...:rock:
That might actually put some balls back in country music. Country is infestred by raging homos like Kenny Chesney and Rascall Flatts these days. Give me a coked out Waylan Jennings or a piss-drunk-off burbon Doc Boggs any day.
Rascal Flats. The country musician I hear about the most yet I never listened to him. I usually stay away from music that isn't metal. When country goes metal that'll be the day. In fact I should really check out Rebel Meets Rebel's CD soon.
Gospel death metal.
A lot of bands are gonna break through one day. They just need to be the people who introduces a good new genre. Maybe somethin like techno metal. Static - X already introduced this but when a non nu metal band introduces it, it'll be big I bet. I'm gonna guess country metal is gonna be first though.

This is GOSPEL, I think