Society sucks


kickass elizabethan style
May 2, 2001
Maryland, U.S.
Visit site
For lack of a better thread title...

Part I:
I am just so annoyed and must rant. I got angry while perusing MTV because, on that station, ALL black people like rap and ALL white people think linkin park is as heavy as it gets. That fucking station couldn't get any more racist -- they put up this big front of being anti-racism, but they MANUFACTURE and FULFILL stereotypes and are basically creating a forever-segregated society. The people they pick for real world and road rules just fit every cliche perfectly and cement those stereotypes into viewers' minds. For over two years I didn't watch any MTV, but now I torture myself for some reason. Like, I just want to see how bad it is out there. I want to know the enemy. But then I get SO PISSED OFF that I don't know what to do with myself. So I come here...:heh:

Part II:
Then, to add to my absolute disgust, I found my way to the message boards and nearly lost my mind. These dumb fucks love all the bands that MTV plays!!!!! I'm missing something here. Why are Linkin Park (et. al) fans upset with MTV?! Honest to god, I think I read that they're just pissed they have to turn to MTV2 to see them instead.

And I find this particularly ironic -- the site had the most pop-up ads I've ever seen. Hmmm...way to rally against corporate sell-outs.

I hope someone will share my angst so I'm not forced to blow up a building just to get an interview on Dateline to talk about my frustration.
Hey Lina I have to totally agree with you, just about everything you said. Our society is pitiful pop culture is just about the sickest thing ever. The people in our world are posers and are very very fake! All they care about is what others think about them and how they are percieved in our world. Everyone wants to be something important but only end up being someone unimportant to our society. The metalheads in this world are the ones that own 300 burned cds and two cds which consider of two nirvana cds the older brother left when he moved out. The people that make fun of my music because its loud and you can't understand what they are saying think that Slipknot and Korn are true metal bands, I dare them to listen to Opeth and tell me that they aren't more talented than 95% of the bands out there! Most of the people that I meet that are "into extreme metal" have no idea who any of the bands are and have heard one Cradle of Filth song. For example today I was talking to a girl who was into "goth metal" and was going to be a singer in a "goth metal band". She said that they had 2 bass players because haveing 2 bass players meant it would sound more evil and dark... Of course this brought me slamming on the floor from laughter. I continued to mock her but she was too stupid to notice. It finally came to the point where I had to ask her what she considers Goth Metal her respose

:( :o :mad: :eek: :confused:
(I will leave some time for you to laugh)
Bjork being GOTH METAL was about the funniest thing I have ever heard, but her excuse was that a person who suposedly knew a lot about music told her that, and that I should ask him (we live on opposite ends of the country actually.) Sadly enough there are many other peoplein this world that are like this, I only hope that at some point the Opetians will smack sense into people and make civilisation a bit better.... Theres my opinion, hopefully you all got a couple good laughs from it!:lol: :lol: :D
Lina: At first I was to say that I agree with you... But then I realized there are LOTS of even worse things happening and I should ramble of them instead. ;)

Morningrise: For someone to believe Björk being goth metal is not the funniest thing I have heard. No, I don't think it is funny at all. FOR IT IS OUTRIGHT SICKENING! With all respect to Björk and her fans, how can anyone be so confused to call her stupid singing goth metal!?! I have heard only a couple of her songs, but AFAIK those songs had NOTHING to with either GOTH or METAL. And I'm never very strict with categorizing. (Now I of course find out that she had changed her style last week and has actually released the best ever goth metal album yesterday...)

-Villain (who actually knows an OK metal band that uses two basses)
Hehe, u guys are funny, I mean of course bjork is goth metal ;) Thats an interesting view u have of other people there, I'm sure not all are fake, some people are genuine. Admittedly very few who have nething to do with pop culture tho. What really pisses me off about the people ur talking about the "metalheads" or whatever who listen 2 just slipknot and nu metal they're usually even worse than pop fans as in tahts all the ever listen 2. They automaticall say other genres are crap, having absolutely no idea even what the music sounds like let alone whether it is well written. God that pisses me off! :mad: :mad: :mad:
That extreme metal thing also annoys me, just cos it seems 2 b popular at the moment, with the whole "rock chick" look and everything suddenly people decide they like metal to go with the image, use it as a labal and then hardly ever listen 2 it. That also really annoys me :mad:
Oh, my my my. That is quite an odd thing to be passed on to two different people and somewhere in between, no one sheds light on it. Bjork? I wouldn't give her a genre! She's a singer...that's all I got from her. I think if that were me, I might have gotten serious almost about it. Like, "Bjork? That's not Goth. No, who told you that." Maybe, left them with a few band titles "be sure you hear this or that" and let them be as shocked as I were to hear them say it in the first place.

As far as society sucking. Boy, does it ever. I don't watch MTV, but I can understand what Lina is saying by the stereotyping. I did see something on TV that bothered me the other day. It was a cartoon. I was just curious, so I left it there for a minute or two. The kids that watch them...they start on them at such a young age. This show might have been suitable for 6-year olds. And the way they drew the characters made me sick. The girls were all SEXY. It was bogus! And the clothing and they way they talked. Brainwashing them rather early nowadays.

I'm always doing this. Something will discussed me so much, yet I'll look further into it. And when I see how foul it is (just as I expect though) I still get totally pissed off. I don't know why. I guess I'm trying to prove to myself that it's not really that bad. It usually is though.

My stepmother thinks all metal is satanic. I want to tell her not to automatically assume that. I want to ask her what makes her think that. I've asked her to explain comments similar to this from the past. She just looks at me like I'm speaking in different language. Like she's shocked that I just don't agree with her. Thank god I only visit.

Hell, fucking, yes! MTV is the devil; I never watch it because I know I'll get pissed off and do something stupid... I strongly believe that mtv preaches stupidity like no other channel on television. Unfortunately 90% of American teenagers are addicted to it. If I were in charge I would give a simple general knowledge test to these teenagers, and those who fail would be removed from society and sent to those sweatshops around the world. I bet those SAT scores would get higher after that.